Plane of Jewish Youths from Peru Touches Down in Israel with Young Adults Ready to Serve – IOTW Report

Plane of Jewish Youths from Peru Touches Down in Israel with Young Adults Ready to Serve


10 Comments on Plane of Jewish Youths from Peru Touches Down in Israel with Young Adults Ready to Serve

  1. You’ve got to give those young people credit for their spirit and desire to contribute to the cause in which they believe. No doubt the atrocities committed would cause anyone to respond to the call to arms. However, being the tin foil hat guy that I am, there are many questions without answers about how this event came about. I’m pretty sure we will never learn the whole story, and I’m pretty sure it’s a sorry story.

  2. “No doubt the atrocities committed would cause anyone to respond to the call to arms.”

    I was thinking about this very thing this morning. This ain’t 9-11, our country is very different, more insane, more divided, and certainly more narcissistic. I could be wrong but I am of the opinion that something exactly like this could happen to our country and a large percentage of our citizens would say something stupid like ,”The chickens have come home to roost”, that we somehow deserved it. So no, I don’t think a massive call to arms would be in the offing.

    I was also struck by the unity exhibited by the political parties of Israel. Even those working to undermine Netanyahu at every turn now pledge unwavering support, a show of a united front and a patriotic fervor that they are of one people. Again, that would not happen here as exhibited by all the Israeli hatred with the Democratic Party and our mainstream media. Dumbass Bernie was just the latest, calling for the UN to pursue war crimes against Isreal for blockading Gaza.

  3. Israel has always fought their own battles and wars.
    From the War of Independence in 1949 to present day.

    Myself and my family Stand with ISRAEL !
    Cleanse the West Bank and Gaza of Terrorists.

    I admire the youth of Peru, may they be safe in their assistance.

  4. Hi I haven’t been here for a while and decided to check in just to see what everyone’s stance would be on the ME. Can someone please remind me of the reason that we should be passionate about defending Israel or taking sides at all? Is it a biblical reason? I personally think it’s not our problem, very similar to the Ukraine nonsense that still hasn’t ended.
    Why are we supporting people (on either side) who have blatantly shown distain towards Christianity? The west has enough trouble to deal with…

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