The Presidential 🤣lympics – IOTW Report

The Presidential 🤣lympics

Ooooh…. not even close!

9 Comments on The Presidential 🤣lympics

  1. Maybe we should start an email campaign to BLOGSPOT about these assholes corrupting our site, if enough of us start sending them hate mail and attacking them on social media they may cancel some of these turds.

  2. Does the silly bastard actually think anybody is buying his little jog after falling up the stairs three times? Was about as authentic as Jeb! trying to look spritely after DJT donning him Low Energy Jeb. Just blame it on sand bags Pedo.

  3. Very humorous if it wasn’t just so damn shameful that Dipshit Pedo McStumblebum represents our beautiful republic.

    Speaking of dipshits Olympic Hopeful Mike Coward Pence just lent his “campaign” 150k of his own money.

    At what point does it take these egotistical asswipes to realize nobody gives a shit about them?

    I would definitely draw the line on tapping my own money.


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