The Steely Dan Song That Mocked John Lennon as an Elitist Phony – IOTW Report

The Steely Dan Song That Mocked John Lennon as an Elitist Phony

26 Comments on The Steely Dan Song That Mocked John Lennon as an Elitist Phony

  1. the only ‘elitest’ here are a couple of college boys … &, it certainly wasn’t Lennon

    Lenno was such a prick in many ways, but he was never elitest

  2. I have a memory of dropping into a homemade studio in New Milford CT in 1979 or so, where I thought I heard Steely Dan playing and enjoying the groove. There were many confused days back then though. But they were very good and let me sit and listen. Life back in the days when Hootanany was the Wednesday open mic day in the Marbledale pub, in NW CT. But as BFH knows, the loneliest man is the the guy waiting for his ‘beeper’ to signal a gig for trombone playing, lol Oh well 🙂

  3. That was the essence of a great post Fur. I have heard that song but never really understood or put it together like you did. I have several Steely Dan Cds and I’m gonna go back and listen a little more closely.

  4. Never liked Lennon. And “Imagine” is a horrible, marxist song.
    Loved Steely Dan but I never realized that song was about Lennon.
    Thanks by the way. It’s been ages since I listened to them.

  5. I think the Beatles’ work was generally appropriate. Revolution stands out as a good commentary. Some good Christian overtones in a few of their songs. Of course many were just fun/entertaining.
    I like some of Lennon’s solo, but barely listen to him. Instant Karma is fun.

  6. Familiar with the song but didn’t connect it to Lennon.
    No such opacity with Mojo Nixon’s “Don Henley Must Die.”

    Nice music. Thanks.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. When individuals obtain a bit of fame, power or money many suddenly fancy themselves suddenly gifted with great insight and superior intellect. What’s interesting is that their fans or followers actually believe it, too. It’s like when an uneducated sports star that can’t construct a proper sentence makes comments on complex world affairs it gives some the vapors.


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