1,000 Days in Jail Without a Trial – J6 Prisoner Treatment Seems Like Papillon – IOTW Report

1,000 Days in Jail Without a Trial – J6 Prisoner Treatment Seems Like Papillon

This cannot be true. Isn’t this cruel and unusual punishment?

Epoch Time-

Mr. Lang was then “tossed in the hole.”

“It’s disgusting down there,” he said. “The walls are wet. There’s vermin and cockroaches, and there’s a little slot in the door that they feed you through like a dog.”

About 10 months later, Mr. Lang was brought back up to the pod—an independent section within the facility that holds a small number of prisoners. His fellow Jan. 6 prisoners gathered at his cell door to greet him.

“One of the guards yelled for them to get away from my door, just arbitrarily enforcing a rule that didn’t exist,” he explained. “He called the sergeant, who opened the door and unloaded a whole can of military-grade pepper spray directly into my eyes.”

Naked and in cuffs, an emergency response team dragged him from the cell and brought him to a shower. Female guards watched, “laughing hysterically” at his pain.

He wasn’t given soap, so the oil ran down his body to his groin where the burning became excruciating. In his cell, the burning oil transferred to his mattress. He woke from nightmares thinking he was on fire.

16 Comments on 1,000 Days in Jail Without a Trial – J6 Prisoner Treatment Seems Like Papillon

  1. My understanding is that the treatment of J6ers is totally “by the book”. That book being an obscure law saying that people who engage in anti-government violence do not have any constitutional or human rights. They can be held indefinitely without charges, and apparently their incarceration, being nonjudicial, is not appealable.

    The RINOs and the civil liberties folks are silent because they have been intimidated into going along with the insurrection narrative.


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