Sunny Hostin Lies About Jim Jordan – IOTW Report

Sunny Hostin Lies About Jim Jordan

Sunny Hostin said Jim Jordan, looking disheveled, came late into a congressional hearing like a madman a yelled at her in a spit-speckled cross examination about “cameras in the courtroom.”

It never happened.

18 Comments on Sunny Hostin Lies About Jim Jordan

  1. Fuck these treasonous maggots. When is this going to end? – Meaning, when are we going to be running our political party, not the scumbag backstabbers selling out our country?

  2. careful Brad & Benito … if it’s one thing, obviously, ‘too stupid to pick a name’ knows about is males who are pussies

    “I’ll kick his pussy ass”, blah, blah, blah …. see what I mean? … everything is about male pussies & male ass … oh yeah, now doubt about it … closet homo

    “Ma! were are my tendies?!?!” … “& bring more tissues!” … “Ma?”

  3. Anonymous
    I’m not very good at this, but I’ll try.

    Now that you have admitted to being a pussie and will always be a pussy, it places all your words in your mental viewpoint as suspect.

    I think Brad meant to send you a bag of dicks, which I suspect you would much prefer. But then again, I defer to Brad’s better judgement.

  4. Don’t feed the trolls.

    You’re making Anonymous feel important – this is the only attention he gets.
    His mom keeps him locked in the basement cuz she’s so ashamed.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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