Gaetz Reveals the Dirty Details Behind the Republican Old Guard’s Attempt to Derail Mike Johnson’s Vote for House Speaker  – IOTW Report

Gaetz Reveals the Dirty Details Behind the Republican Old Guard’s Attempt to Derail Mike Johnson’s Vote for House Speaker 

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) joined the War Room with Steve Bannon on Wednesday morning following the voting last evening for the next Republican Speaker-designate.

During their conversation Matt Gaetz revealed the devious actions of the Old Guard Republicans in their attempts to derail Mike Johnson’s vote.

According to Matt Gaetz, Kevin McCarthy was hiding in the background actively working to sabotage the candidates who were running to replace him.

Matt Gaetz: We get that through the Gestation system early yesterday. So as Emmer is withdrawing, Mark Molinaro, a moderate New York freshman Republican, stands up at the microphone and says, well, instead of restarting this process and having a candidate forum and sending everybody home for a good cry, let’s just take a non binding poll on where people would be on the person who came in second to Tom Emmer, and that was Mike Johnson. And Elise Stefanik said, well, that’s against the rules. The rules don’t contemplate it. We can’t do that.

And brilliantly Mark Molinaro says, then I move for unanimous consent that the rules be waived, and we take a poll on whether or not Mike Johnson could be our Speaker nominee. And guess who objects to that unanimous consent request? — Kevin McCarthy! more here

14 Comments on Gaetz Reveals the Dirty Details Behind the Republican Old Guard’s Attempt to Derail Mike Johnson’s Vote for House Speaker 

  1. As I said earlier, maybe this is the death to the Uni-Party.

    Why is it that one side always seems to sabotage things, then blames it on the other. I think people have seen enough.

    The elite may have thought they had a slam-dunk with all of its COVID mandates, but I think they are finding that the ball bounced off of the rim and is now being taken to the other end for an easy layup.

  2. I tend to believe Gaetz, based on human nature. McCarthy is a bitter man, he got the boot and nobody likes that. So now, his attitude is,”Ungrateful bastards can go eff themselves”, he has an ax to grind. He tried to foment chaos and discord but got outsmarted.

    I would be reluctant to put him into any positions of power, and would watch him closely. A jilted lover is volatile and unpredictable.

  3. I have to admit to giving myself a virtual fist bump with a Very Big Grin on my face when I heard Matt G. report that on that final ROLL CALL vote, McCarthy got ZEEEERO votes.

    Dear Congressman McCarthy, kindly please go suck on a wet dog turd.

  4. Politics is so dirty it leaves the innocent voter scrambling to decide which candidate is reasonably honest and those that are inherently lying in order to feed themselves at the trough of favoritism and the government teat.

  5. If politics is like sausage making I’d avoid ever buying this particular brand of Kielbasa.

    Now to hold the new sausage makers to their craft or feed them into the grinders too.

  6. McCarthy is an anti-Trump Swamp dwelling RINO of the first order.

    Re-neged on just about all of his campaign promises. Did stop the 85,000 IRS goons. Didn’t release the J6 tapes, dragged his feet on impeachment of the Vegetable, yada, yada, yada.

    I’m sure CNN will hire him eventually.

  7. McCarthy, like his buddy the Turtle, is only there to line his own pockets at the taxpayers expense. It would be fun if the skeletons in his closet were exposed and a prosecution and conviction followed. Hey, a guy can dream, can’t he?

  8. If there’s anything good coming out of D.C. it’s either a complete accident or it’s finally dawning on even the most ivory-skulled moron there that the mood of the majority of this country’s population is one of total disgust with all of them. And if they want to keep playing games with us, we’re playing to win and it’s going to make their stupid “insurrection” circus look like — what can be said — make it look like an idiotic, play-acting, stupid, disgusting, time-wasting circus. And they’re all just shitty, derelict clowns. They honestly don’t stand a chance against our majority of disgusted, tired, angry citizens who just want to be free of them.


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