Bad Shoot – IOTW Report

Bad Shoot

This one is not good. Yes, the woman drives away, slowly. The car door maybe brushes against the cop.

The shooting was out of nowhere and unnecessary.

19 Comments on Bad Shoot

  1. I used to be a cop in San Antonio, TX
    and I still have a few friends there.
    Suffice to say, most of them wouldn’t agree, but
    This shooting was uncalled for and a damnable shame.
    The officer here will pay

  2. I had to take my mandatory 4 hour class today to renew my carry permit. I’ve been going to the same guy for ever. Took me two minutes. When I first started going to him he was pretty high up in a near by agency. The guy bled blue. Now days after his retirement, not so much. In fact it’s fair to say he despises LE. Dudes a Post Certified trainer. And asshole cops like this are responsible for his new mind set. Killing someone was on this guys bucket list. Was this altercation really worth ending this woman? I hope someone returns the favor.

  3. This is one of the reasons among many I hate BLM. Before their bullshit, LE reform was gaining ground and it is something that is truly needed. Thanks to BLM they sat it back and if you mention reform, all you hear is back the blue.
    The blue has issues, far too many don’t follow the law, don’t give two shits about the Constitution, are poorly trained and shoot first ask questions later.

  4. Police in Las Cruces, NM shoot people all the time. Only makes the news if they dies. Law enforcement in NM is a joke. Neighboring El Paso, TX is almost as bad. Right now there’s issues there about high speed chases through town. Cops are thugs. I find any cop with tats from his wrist to his shoulder suspect. Gang stuff?

  5. FARM WIFE. He murdered her!! DUH. Breaking the law in a very slight way should not be a death sentence. He deserves to die IMHO. Cop worship is evil and weak minded bullshit. Most of them are turds,,, a few on the up and up.

  6. Ok look, until you have held a weapon in your hands and had to make an instantaneous decision to live by taking another life STFU.

    I’m not saying bad cops don’t exist, they do. I’m not saying shooting this woman was justified, the facts will come out.

    However it is apparent to me she was sitting with someone law enforcement was wary about. Most likely with a felon, most likely arrested previously for something dangerous.

    If your sitting in the dark with a dangerous person and repeatedly refuse to obey an lawful command, you and you alone are accepting responsibility for your personal welfare.

    I accept that this officer should have called for backup before approaching but it obvious he was far more concerned with the passenger than the driver.

    She was refusing to clear herself away from the actual suspect. Time will tell if this was a good or bad shoot and if it was bad justice will prevail.

    Most of us IOTW critters are law abiding wolves who can protect ourselves but 80% of America are sheep, and LEOs everywhere leave their loved ones every single day to protect them from the wolves that don’t.

    If you are a lamb between two wolves get the fuck out of the way.

    Same with soldiering, you have no idea the scars we bear for the sheep we killed because the wolves hid behind them or used them as wired up weapons.

    So until you are faced with that type of dilemma just STFU.

  7. Cisco Kid

    They’re going to use the old “Her Car Was Her Weapon” justification for this shoot. But how could that be if she was 30 feet passed him.
    If innocent civilians are going to be treated this way we should be able to shoot back.
    You know if asshole cops like this put a freaken smile on their face and talked to people like they were actually people they’d eliminate about 99% of their problems


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