Election Fraud Cases Popping Up in Three Blue States – IOTW Report

Election Fraud Cases Popping Up in Three Blue States

Just the News

Democrats in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey are facing various allegations of election fraud, as two instances are related to this year’s elections while two more are with regard to prior elections. More

11 Comments on Election Fraud Cases Popping Up in Three Blue States

  1. Every “judge” and every one in politics is aware of the fraudulent “election” of 2020.
    The results are the proof – if nothing else.

    The “judges” and the politicians are getting rich off the fraud – selling out America and Americans to the likes of WEF, BLM, CAIR, ANTIFA, La Reza, Hamas, Ukraine, and all the other Satanic organizations, which explains why no one wants to look into these Treasons and do something about it. The media covers it up because they, too, are raking in the ill-gotten swag and they are “all-in” with the traitorous “judges” and pols whose purpose is the destruction of America and western civilization.

    We are importing rat-people and terrorists at an alarming rate and the traitorous bastards in the Biden/Soros/Obola/Satan administration hope to continue long enough to reach a critical mass (like England, France, and Germany) where it’s too late to oust the maggots – and try to come to some accommodation which spells the end of our Republic and the Dawn of a literal Hell on Earth.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. (Playing Whack-A-Mole)




    I can do this all day, guys.

    As long as they have those pedo pictures of me, I kinda have to!


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