Ladies, We’re Hiring – IOTW Report

Ladies, We’re Hiring

I think the point is being made.

33 Comments on Ladies, We’re Hiring

  1. I had several cousins back in Oklahoma that were “ROUGHNECKS” It’s brutal work alright! I does make you old before your time!
    Now BULL DYKES might just prosper in that atmosphere!

  2. I know some female CNAs that are built like linebackers that could do it just so long as they cut their hair shorter. I’d hate to see someone get scalped.

    Me, I’m a tad on the runty side and have a profound respect for the laws of physics.

  3. In our Fire Dept. we had a gal that wasn’t a dyke, but her dad was Dep. Chief and she went up the ranks fast, mainly because she didn’t have the upper body strength for a hose so they made her an Engineer, but she wrecket too many rigs. So guess what, last time I saw her she was a CAPTAIN! Isn’t that how it’s suppose to work?

  4. Pipe dope = thread lubricant for the treaded connections

    Joints are 30 feet long = the average length of a joint of drill pipe is 30 feet long

    Pusher on every rig = the highest supervisory role on the rig is a toolpusher

    Figured I better explain.

  5. Joe6 is a little shy. In case you don’t know our very own Joe6 made a career out of this. In Alaska. Sub zero temps and white privileged bears. No thanks you crazy M Fer, LOL. I just got my nails done too.

  6. My cousins were roughnecks. From my cousin Tom’s obit: He started out as a roughneck and later ran the air drilling for Froman Drilling, as well as oil well fracturing, which aptly suited him as he loved explosives and blowing things up.

    His brother had a rep as the toughest guy between Helena and Canada. They were hard as a pine knot and weren’t to be fucked with.

  7. One thing that most people don’t realize, unless you’re just competitive as your general nature, is that drilling crews and roughnecks are as competitive as any team of performers. Granted drilling crews and roughnecks don’t get any kind of notoriety, but I guarantee those guys expect to set performance standards every time they are on the floor. The rigs I was on, we always checked the times that the other crews performed their job. Our crews set records. No doubt they’ve been beaten, but it was competition nonetheless. I could tell you stories!

  8. One of my sons roughnecked for a year on a triple stacker rig up near Corsicana, Texas. He got into the best shape of his life and managed not to lose anything. He works in the semiconductor industry these days.

  9. I remember getting a new driller, I was the derrickman and my best friend was the motorman. Our new driller was was new to the rig and was completely dependent on us to run a rig move from one well to the next. And by the way the new driller became a long time good friend of ours. Anyway, for some reason, between Alan and I we had the Teamster rig movers not communicating well and we had these union truckers helping us complete the rig move in just over 5 hours. That was the end of 5 hour rig moves, the Teamsters made sure that never happened again. Our new driller gave Alan and I all the freedom we ever had after that, and we delivered good work. He was a hard headed son of a gun. He swore he could drive his rear wheel, 2 wheel drive pick up anyplace a 4 wheel drive truck could go. He would not back off that position. He was a rode hard, put away wet, rodeo cowboy, and a couple times came back to work after a bit of a bar room fistfight. If you’re ever looking to hire a hard working guy, and you can hire a rodeo cowboy my recommendation is to hire the rodeo cowboy.

  10. I’m not sure what the pay is now. My last year was in 86, we were making $23 an hour, time and a half over 40 hours a week. We were working 12 hour days, 7 days a week so we had more overtime than we had straight time. When I was young and single it was a great job, then I got married and had kids so being away from home wasn’t what I wanted. It was fun for a while.


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