Trump had active security clearance when Jack Smith indicted him in documents case – IOTW Report

Trump had active security clearance when Jack Smith indicted him in documents case

Revolver: The sham classified documents case that Jack Smith is spearheading against President Trump has encountered a couple of very significant setbacks in recent days—setbacks so severe that they have the potential to derail the entire case. President Trump says he has evidence that the Biden administration colluded with various federal agencies to arm Jack Smith with the ammunition for his indictment. Furthermore, he has disclosed an additional bombshell that could once again shake the foundation of the case.

The paperwork shows that President Trump maintained an active security clearance at the very time when Jack Smith indicted him in the documents case—a fact the Biden regime was well aware of.

Independent investigative journalist Julie Kelly disclosed the specifics in her post on the platform X. Here’s what Julie said: more

9 Comments on Trump had active security clearance when Jack Smith indicted him in documents case

  1. Although it will never happen, those weaponizing and misusing the legal system for political reasons should be prosecuted and imprisoned. It won’t happen because these corrupt, Marxist are like cockroaches and permeate every branch, department and office of our government in unelected positions of great power. And, the left sticks together to further their agenda and maintain their power.

  2. Yes, Vicious Sid. Also, malicious prosecution, which is already punishable, should be punished. That is to say, laying charges which are false should result in the maximum sentence for said charges being applied to the prosecutor who brought said charges.

    Do not pass GO.

    Do not collect $200.

    Do not Get Out of Jail Free.

  3. There was an article on Revolver several days ago stating the Trump team filed a brief with judge Cannon claiming the Biden admin was meeting with the persecution to determine which security clearances to cancel that would yield the most damage. This is all being orchestrated by the White House. It sounds like Team Trump has somebody on the inside giving them 411.
    I can’t believe this is happening in my country.


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