Critics Upset That Trump Used the Word “Vermin” to Describe Radical Left Thugs – IOTW Report

Critics Upset That Trump Used the Word “Vermin” to Describe Radical Left Thugs


“We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections,” Trump said in a speech in New Hampshire on Saturday, per the Washington Post

New York University historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat tells the Post that “calling people ‘vermin’ was used effectively by Hitler and Mussolini to dehumanize people and encourage their followers to engage in violence.” 


And? What’s your point?

Why “root them out” if not to deal with them?

20 Comments on Critics Upset That Trump Used the Word “Vermin” to Describe Radical Left Thugs

  1. What’s wrong with “engaging in violence” against people who are actively injuring me and my family and my neighbors, who primarily just want to be left the ████ alone? I’d be using violence in self defense, and if anybody has a problem with me defending myself I have a real problem with THEM.

  2. Yet these same arseholes call conservatives/American Patriots a lot worse names then vermin…

    Thanks President Trump for hanging in there despite all the crap you have taken as an American statesman.🕺😁

  3. From wikiped; Ruth Ben-Ghiat is an American historian and cultural critic. She is a scholar on fascism and authoritarian leaders. Ben-Ghiat is professor of history and Italian studies at New York University.
    A scholar on fascism? Seems she knows nothing about her subject.


    Wild animals that are believed to be harmful to crops, farm animals, or game, or that carry disease.

    Parasitic worms or insects.

    People perceived as despicable and as causing problems for the rest of society.

  5. Vermin is an apt name for these creatures. We have been told by feminist and Black leaders how they have been denied their right to vote, but both groups played a major role in denying millions of people their vote in 2020. I sure don’t want to hear the media yammer about Democrats stopping blacks from voting in the 1950s when it happened in 2020 and the Media wouldn’t speak up.

  6. ” I’d be using violence in self defense, and if anybody has a problem with me defending myself”

    Yea, but the big question is, would MAGA ever go on the offense? I think we’re going to find out on or about Nov. 5 2024. Odds are we’ll be under martial law by then. Like they’ve been saying, enjoy this year because next is going to be much worse.

  7. The libs like this stinker Ruth Bended-Twat go way out of their way to try and equate Trump with Fascism/Hitler. This has no basis in fact or history and it is used only to scare weak people, which all libs are.

    Some Nazi film makers did portray Jews as rats. I challenge this Ruth Numbskull Twat to show evidence that Trump has targeted any group people other than the ones he mentioned who of course come in all colors, religious, and non-religious beliefs.


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