Add Your Birthday Wishes For Joe Bidet in the Comments – IOTW Report

Add Your Birthday Wishes For Joe Bidet in the Comments

He is 81 in dog-faced pony soldier years.

38 Comments on Add Your Birthday Wishes For Joe Bidet in the Comments

  1. Happy Death (by natural causes you fucking pinko spies) Day to you
    You Pedophilic Imbicilic Magoo
    Happy Death Day (by dementia and syphilis you pussy ass hall monitoring faggots) Day to you Joe McShitshispants
    Happy Death Day to you…

  2. Disclaimer to the Secret Service (who are sell out motherfuckers of the globalist cabal and stand idly by as he molests children) I in no way express any threat or ha4m to the Pedo Peter McPederast, only a fervent hope he pass from his own vile sins and the subsequent diseases he has accrued…

  3. Un-Happy Birthday Pretender in Chief. Hope you spend it with Feinstine and Carter.

    One seconf thought, I hope you live just long enough to watch President Donald Trump get sworn into office again.

    FJB and the “81 million” people who “voted” for him.

  4. If there is anything going on beyond those dead eyes, I wish that you would repent for your satanic life. You don’t deserve forgiveness from God, but none of us do.

    Repent and tell God to do with you what he will. Maybe he will give you clarity to stand in front of cameras and tell the world all the evil that the swamp has done, is doing, and is planning for the future.

    If you don’t repent, I wish for you to have enough awareness that everyone hates you, even your family. Look what they are doing to you and suffer for whatever time you have left, for you will surely suffer worse in Hell.

  5. Hey, Joey! How’s it going, Birthday Boy? I’ve got a really great present for you! Here, have fun with your very own box of strike anywhere matches! Why don’t you go over there and play by the curtains?

  6. Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    The sooner, the better.

    You are a fucking retarded pedophile usurper and in a just world you would hang for Treason.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I cannot add a birthday wish to this moral reprobate w/ a good conscience. I realize the Good Lord created him for a reason … of which I cannot fathom, & I will not question God’s purpose.

    but I will definitely sing praises to the Lord when He is done w/ this person & calls him home to face his ultimate judgement.


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