Time to “Gut” the Voting Rights Act – IOTW Report

Time to “Gut” the Voting Rights Act


A federal appeals court issued a ruling Monday that could gut the Voting Rights Act, saying only the federal government — not private citizens or civil rights groups — is allowed to sue under a key section of the landmark civil rights law.

The decision out of the 8th Circuit will almost certainly be appealed and is likely headed to the Supreme Court. Should it stand, it would mark a dramatic rollback of the enforcement of the law that led to increased minority power and representation in American politics. More

5 Comments on Time to “Gut” the Voting Rights Act

  1. The agenda is pretty freakin’ obvious here. I’ve read multiple accounts and all of them seem to like to use the same emotionally loaded word gut.

    No, the decision does NOT “gut” the voting rights act. The decision acknowledges the intent, text, and meaning of the law as and when it was written and enacted, and slams shut the door opened since then by activist judges for their socialist activist pals.

  2. Actually one good thing that Roberts did. Was it in 2013? I think Congress kept voting to keep the certain restrictions in designated areas several times over the decades, as each legislator feared the fallout of saying minorities’ votes were no longer at risk. It was Roberts that led SCOTUS to finally call it quits on that portion, which was only supposed to operate until minorities voted in similar numbers, which they have for a long time.

  3. Blacks introduced rampant vote fraud to general elections in the past 30 years. Voter ID is essential to fix the damage they’ve caused in inner city elections. Women introduced estrogen poisoned self-sabotaging stupidity to the election process. Every vote from a woman democrat is an act of revenge against their dad for not making her a storybook princess, her husband for not being a storybook prince, and all other men for the crime of understanding how technology works.


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