Biden Approval Rating Amongst Independents – 27% – IOTW Report

Biden Approval Rating Amongst Independents – 27%


President Joe Biden‘s approval rating dropped eight points with independents in November, landing at a new low of 27 percent, Gallup has found.

Pollsters called the 81-year-old’s low marks ‘striking,’ as independents are a key group to sway in order to win a presidential election. 

Overall, Biden’s approval rating remained at 37 percent, a tie for the lowest, with disapproval at 59 percent.

During November, Biden was graded the most poorly on his handling of the situation in the Middle East between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the economy and more broadly, foreign affairs. 

Among the Americans Gallup surveyed, just 32 percent approved of Biden’s handling of each of the three issues. 


5 Comments on Biden Approval Rating Amongst Independents – 27%

  1. Okay, now look at likely voters. Historically, the Demoncrap machine turns out the vote more so than Team R or independents.

    The 27% of independents approving of Slow Joetato’s performance should be medically assessed for their own dementia.

  2. How do 27% of “Independents” support Pedo McGroper?

    Every poll is 10% sample biased to Demonrats, so it’s actually 17%.

    That 17% must be dysfunctional via retardation to support the shriveled desiccated corpse flower of a subhuman scumbag deviant pederast garbage pervert…

  3. the only way a political figure who is this roundly despised gets into power like this is corruption. You are fooling yourself if you think our country exists any more. Your vote is meaningless. Your citizenship is meaningless. Now shut up and pay your tribute.

  4. So far as I’m concerned Jackass Joe’s ratings dropped from “next to nil” into the bubbling vat of Leftist Narcissism labeled: “JUST CAN’T SUCK ENOUGH” !!


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