FBI Quite Open About Persecuting Trump Supporters – IOTW Report

FBI Quite Open About Persecuting Trump Supporters


Will Trump supporters start to disappear leading up to and following the 2024 election? The FBI appears to be laying a narrative that hints of unprecedented government actions on American soil.

Have you ever voted for Donald J. Trump?

Have you ever posted a comment to any social media platform that was even remotely favorable towards Trump?

If so, you may be on an FBI watchlist. More

21 Comments on FBI Quite Open About Persecuting Trump Supporters

  1. ” They speak of an uprising because that’s what they want, the more violent the better. Don’t take the bait.”

    I’m starting to think these assholes will be saying this as we’re being loaded on box cars.

  2. RADIOMAN be on the list for more than
    just Trump. Go to the same place or
    places many times repeatedly on Goole Earth and
    you will be on “the list”…….

  3. This is justification to shut the entire operation down and bar anyone connected with it even tangentially from ever again holding any government job or working for any government contractor in any capacity whatsoever.

  4. Bush Clan has been against conservatives since Bush 1 told the world “Christianity is a mere SUPERSTITION!” !
    “VOO DOO EcONOMIcs”! *@!? For those < 60 the debate 1980. CIA Dir to "White nationalist, isolationist" Cal Gov.

    Of Course Herr Mueller hates conservatives and "cleaned house" of any "Americans first" FBI men! Hannity has had his head up his ass for decades. Eyes are still brown! Anyone still at FBI hates conservatives; that is why he/she still is there!

  5. That’s not the only thing Hannity is full of shit regarding. He’s a Republican establishment progressive operative, pure and simple.

    Who is this super hero? sarge? No!
    Rosemary the telephone operator? No way man!
    Henry the mild mannered janitor?
    Hong Kong phooey, the number one super guy
    Hong Kong phooey, quicker than the human eye
    Oh, he’s got style, a groovy smile, a bod that just won’t stop
    When the going gets rough, he’s super tough
    With the Hong Kong phooey chop
    Hong Kong phooey, the number one super guy
    Hong Kong phooey, quicker than the human eye
    Cho chicly lo chicly bow wow wow
    Dong diggity dong diggity dong dong dong
    (pick it up pick it up pick it up)

  6. JDHasty

    I hope you’re reading WRSA. A couple years ago I considered them the lunatic fringe. No longer. They keep pounding this home. Make like minded friends. I’m thinking things have got to go kinetic. Or we can just get on the damn box cars.

  7. Should we start posting our pictures, so we’ll recognize each other at camp?
    I don’t believe there are any in congress on “our” side, just mouthpiece pacifiers.
    There is only one.

  8. manbearpig

    That’s the 24K dollar question. Things we know. These people can’t let Trump occupy the White House again because they will all be prosecuted. They thoroughly enjoy the perceived power they have and they don’t want to give it up. They fucking hate the Constitution. Finally, push comes to shove, you got no choice. Make like minded friends.

  9. Who says that even if Trump wins these pigs won’t throw the real insurrection in gear? Brad is right. It is going kinetic. It has too. Might as well be now.

    FJB . Fuck the alphabets.

  10. The Republicans will probably have yet another do nothing hearing and act like they’re saving the country, just before they approve more money for the alphabet agencies that are making us into a tyrannical nation.

  11. Marbury vs Madison; Marbury vs Madison; Marbury vs Madison; Marbury vs Madison; Marbury vs Madison;
    Who knows what that is, what it means?
    No one in government, evidently.
    Not nearly enough citizens know, either.


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