We posted some pretty inept automobile driver by the Brits HERE
They’re not too swift on bicycles, either—
We posted some pretty inept automobile driver by the Brits HERE
They’re not too swift on bicycles, either—
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British drivers ARE terrible. Two of my squad mates and I were driving along in my friend’s Mini on our way to work when a little old lady ran us off the road. We went about 100 yards down a hill and through a wood, dodging trees the whole way, before coming out onto the roadway at the bottom. I still don’t remember how we made it — we seriously thought we were gonna die.
Sheesh. I thought the Chinese sucked. Guess I was wrong. 🤦♂️
Ouch, that’s gotta hurt. if that had been a wire instead it would’ve cut them in half. What a maroon!
Hmm, looks like many riders in the US. We rule, get out of our way. We do not care about any others
That’s some funny shit, there!
I’d like to see em ALL do that!
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
That is painfully funny.
Anybody that stupid should have their two wheel permit taken away from them and forced to ride a unicycle!
^ Down hill! 🤣
I can watch more of this all day long. Amazing how the lack of awareness has exploded in the past few years.
And now we know where our politicians come from.
I don’t care who you are, that’s some funny shit!
That gate must not exist, according to Google.
Or some wickedly clever artist has painted perfect camo on the approach side.
George, George of the bungle, watch out for that gate.
The John Wayne Gate?
They’ve got their earbuds in and are daydreaming.
The road is gray and the gate appears to be gray too. I don’t see any problems.
Ever run across”a thousand ways to die” much fun.