The Most Despicable Kyle Rittenhouse Interview You Will Ever See – IOTW Report

The Most Despicable Kyle Rittenhouse Interview You Will Ever See

ht/ jd hasty

23 Comments on The Most Despicable Kyle Rittenhouse Interview You Will Ever See

  1. I wonder if doosh-nugget Morgan even watched any of Kyle’s trial. You know, when the idiot who survived pretty much exonerated Rittenhouse during his testimony for the state.

  2. If you are assaulted by another person, you are the victim and the other person is the assailant/criminal.

    If you defend yourself and the other person is disabled or killed, you are still the one who was victimized. The other person is still the “baddie.” The roles are not somehow reversed because you successfully stopped your attacker.

    This is a moral/legal construct that the Progressive/Left does not acknowledge. Kyle was the victim, not the 3 people who attacked him. Morgan wants to put forth the idea that Rittenhouse is a killer who should be feeling bad about the whole affair that he is “profiting” from with the sale of a book. What a sick piece of shit.

  3. “the guy broke 5 ribs and collapsed a lung on a Segway. Imagine what he’d do to himself with a gun.”

    All I can say is the guy needs mo range time!
    Letz start a fund!! 🙂

  4. Here’s how I see it:

    Kyle – 3
    Assholes – 0

    No matter how you slice it, Kyle did right by most patriotic Americans.

    Have you noticed that Kyle has kept his nose clean whilst the asshole who had a chunk removed from his arm has gotten in trouble since then? You can’t fix stupid.

  5. JDHASTY – Don’t I know it ? My Hubby is half Irish and my city’s the home of the Fighting 69th … Garryowen . Always first in the Saint Patrick’s Day parade! My own great great Grandpa (not Irish) fought alongside of them at Gettysburg

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