Progressivism and Wokeness Will Be Dead Soon – IOTW Report

Progressivism and Wokeness Will Be Dead Soon

Please do not write in the comments. “who cares what he thinks,” or “fuck him,” “or, I felt this way long ago,” or “don’t be fooled by him, he is still a lefty, ” etc.

I am a Breitbart disciple. The day he died was an extremely dark day for the right. He understood culture, politics, and how the two interacted.

When Bill Maher starts shitting on the woke, YOU APPLAUD HIM. That doesn’t make you stupid. It doesn’t make you a cuck. It doesn’t make you a traitor. It makes you a savvy politician.

You are forgetting that most people are stupid. But we have to coexist with them. If they are coerced by someone to become a lefty robot, we lose. When someone with a big platform is getting an audience to whoop it up over the things Maher is saying in this video, it’s a good thing. Imagine if we could get the stupid people to start turning on the left and pointing at them and saying. “your ideas are idiotic and laughable.” Well, you’re never going to see that if you don’t allow people to be red-pilled.

Alone with your principles does you no good.

(Is Maher a dick bag? Yes.)

21 Comments on Progressivism and Wokeness Will Be Dead Soon

  1. Musk and Maher seem to be similar in that they both ride the fence occassionally – Musk from the right and Maher from the left.

    I’ll take what I can get – hoping and praying that the slip of reality that enters a leftist mind will grow enough for them to question everything.

  2. ” It makes you a savvy VOTER”

    “When Bill Maher starts shitting on the woke, YOU APPLAUD HIM. That doesn’t make you stupid. It doesn’t make you a cuck. It doesn’t make you a traitor. It makes you a savvy politician.”

    In my mind I feel the Conservative voter that is looking for perfection in a potential candidate or their platform or they’re not voting are contributing to the death of our Republic bigly. Perfection doesn’t exist. The lefts been kicking are ass for ever incrementally. We are never going from our ten yard line to their end zone in one play. Not going to happen. We need to play the game they have been playing. Move the ball down the field 3.33 yards at a time.
    BFH, suggestion, when you write something like this on the first page, sign it BFH.
    I’m slow on the up take sometimes.

  3. Bill Marr is the Pope of Stupid. The stupid learn a lot from him. So, yes when he has a clarion moment of truth his stupid flock follow him faithfully. Yes, unfortunately, the majority of stupid will always remain tools of the left – wherever the leftist winds blow.

    The key, keeping the stupid “awake” long enough to weaken the left so that conservative ideals can dominate the culture again. Thereby, changing the political landscape so that it is more like the right.

    Pompous idiots like Marr are unwittingly making the shift to the right among the stupid possible.

    Let’s not get in the way when truth is spoken despite the source. It makes it easier for us to recruit those who no longer want to be among the stupid.

  4. White person helps minorities: an example of of “White Saviorism.”

    White person does not help minorities: an example of white racism and wanting minorities dead.

    Yeah, some anonymous guy helps people: he is doing it for self engrandisement. A politician does some meaningless (in a practical sense) gesture of kneeling down in “support of racial Justice” and he/she gets praised for taking a brave stand.

    Yeah, right.

  5. No. If I must suffer this shit stain getting to preface everything positive he says about the right with how awful and always wrong they are, then I get to epilog everything positive he says about the right with how awful and always wrong he is. Call it a compelling need to give credit where credit is due.

  6. I’ve been watching Club Random (because I like interviews with comedians) and Maher is fed up with the left. Because they are too far left, unlike others who feel they aren’t left enough.

  7. I was really trying to listen to Dicknose in the spirit of Fur’s intro… until he claimed that the left (his left) just wants to get the homeless off the streets. FYI asshole, the left (including yours) is responsible for putting most of those people on the streets. And your answer is to enable their addictions and put them in hotels to get them out of sight and out of mind. Other than that, I hope he changes a few libtard hearts for the better.

  8. The left is full of commies, idiots, douchebags and hypocrites. It doesn’t take any special skill or powers of discernment to see it. Maher has finally caught a glimpse of reality? Great. Now let’s see what he does about it.

  9. I found this article on the MSN today

    Carbon dioxide levels in Earth’s atmosphere are at their highest point in human history, a study released in early December reports.

    In fact, according to the study, it has been about 14 million years since the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere was this high. That’s long before modern humans appeared on the scene.

    A chart I saw a few months ago showed a much hotter earth 8-15 MYO, followed by millennia of cooling, and then began warming up again over more recent millennia. This is what we’re going through now, for anyone that believes in GB. It’s either God’s design, or natural forces, or GB is nothing but BS. take your pick.

    MSN and liberals are incapable of connecting the dots. Normal people would understand the impact of the study.

  10. When I read the headline that Progressiveism and Wokeness will soon be Dead, I thought you meant that the wokesters the progressives would soon be dead as in no longer alive and I got all excited.

    When you mean it metaphorically it it just doesn’t have the same ring to it but I’ll take it.

  11. Okay, yes, Maher has a huge platform with the Left and it can only be a good thing for him to change hearts and minds (correction: The Hivemind). I’ll never be so gullible as to think I could ever trust him, but it’s only important that his bobble-headed, loyal Lefty cultists do.

  12. First, most people aren’t stupid (Bell Curve), they’re just wrapped up in their own problems.

    Second, this has been building for some time, much like the American Revolution.

    Third, nobody ever liked Brandon anyway, so, as standard bearer for the Left, it became easier to put a face on all the troubles.

    Finally (and this is a biggie), history shows even the Lefties can’t stand their own agenda. There just isn’t another state they can move to.

  13. “First, most people aren’t stupid (Bell Curve), …”

    Doesn’t that depend upon where the median and mean fall in the Gaussian Distribution (Bell Curve) of the Intelligence Quotient? Also, a perfectly formed Gaussian Distribution depends upon an infinite number of samples (though great numbers approach that). “Stupid” suggests “unable to learn” – and hasn’t that been proven, time and again, in a majority of people? We’ve fallen for the same stupid shit for two or three thousand years – that defines “stupid,” doesn’t it? – it may not prove, but certainly implies, that “most people are stupid.”
    (not trying to start some shit, just early-morning humor)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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