**** Wu! – IOTW Report

**** Wu!


It was a festive atmosphere at the last scheduled Boston City Council meeting of the year on Wednesday. There were gifts, smiles and even group pictures. But there was also tension over a holiday party not everyone on the council was invited to.

“I don’t get offended. You don’t want me at a party, I am not going to come to the party,” outgoing City Councilor Frank Baker said.

It all started with an email sent out by a city employee on Tuesday on behalf of Mayor Michelle Wu, inviting all city councilors to an “Electeds of Color Holiday Party” being held Wednesday night. About 15 minutes later, the same staffer sent out an email apologizing for sending out the invite to all city councilors. The mayor said the party is just intended for minority elected officials. 

“There are many, many events that are private events for all different sorts of groups, so we’ve clarified that and look forward to seeing everyone at one of the dozens of other opportunities to celebrate the holidays together,” Wu said Wednesday, just hours before the party.

“I think we all have been in a position at one point where an email went out and there was a mistake in the recipients, so there was truly just an honest mistake that happened in issuing the invitation,” she added.

Wu said the “Electeds of Color Holiday Party” has been held for more than a decade without any issues.

After Wednesday’s City Council meeting, two councilors attending the event defended the party.

“It is not at all divisive, it is creating spaces for people, and communities and identities with shared experiences to come together,” said Ruthzee Louijeune, Boston city councilor-at-Large. “We are still breaking barriers and it is so important for us to carve out and create that space.”

Outgoing City Councilor Ricardo Arroyo agreed

“I think someone wanted to make this inflammatory, and they have clearly succeeded — I have two microphones in my face asking me about an annual holiday party and whether or not I should care about their feelings that there is a holiday party for people of color they weren’t invited to because they don’t share those experiences,” he said. 


Sure, sure sure. And when there is a “white only party,” what would you say?

My guess would be that you would say white people shouldn’t do that because….. white people are better?

I would like to hear why it wouldn’t be the same as people getting together and excluding people that “don’t share their experiences.”

Progressivism is for low-IQ idiots who make little sense.

25 Comments on **** Wu!

  1. Boston. Pfftt.
    Any city with a mayor named Wu is in serious decline.
    You KNOW it’s a rat-warren – infested with diseased rats.

    I’ve been to Boston – it’s a dour, ugly place full of dour, ugly people.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Wu has ruined Boston. She is a complete nut job.
    Nice job you idiots who voted for her.
    I’d like to see proof this anti white party has been going for decades.
    Breaking barriers? More like self segregation and attempting a run at making whites subservient.

  3. Jason THURSDAY, 14 DECEMBER 2023, 6:15 AT 6:15 AM
    ‘“Wu said the ‘Electeds of Color Holiday Party’ has been held for more than a decade without any issues.”

    Well that makes it all better now doesn’t it’

    …the reign of the Nazi party in Germany lasted a dozen years.

    Did that make THAT OK?

  4. Been to Boston once, that was enough. Has to be an Asian woman driver joke in here some where.

    There’s a reason out of staters call them Massholes.

    Aren’t stereotypes wonderful?

  5. SNS – The Left has destroyed 60 years of racial progress. Listening to them one would think we’re back in the 1950s!!

    Progressives… just a label for atrocious locusts who destroy everything in sight while hiding behind a nice sounding name!

  6. “It is not at all divisive, it is creating spaces for people, and communities and identities with shared experiences to come together,”

    So being “inclusive” now means excluding white people. Up is down, in is out, war is peace. George Orwell missed it by 40 years.

  7. “It is not at all divisive” said Ruthzee Louijeune, Boston city councilor-at-Large, about dividing people based on race.

    Not sure if my irony meter or stupidity meter exploded at that one.

  8. “Electeds of Color Holiday Party” ……White/Caucasian is a “color”, isn’t it?

    “….just intended for minority elected officials.”…..I’m a minority…a minority of one, the individual, unique. And I’m NOT invited?

    “The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.” – Ayn Rand

    Bawstan was a great place to grow up in during the 60s-early 70s.
    On hindsight, I’m SO glad I moved out of the state shortly after graduating HS.

  9. Isn’t Harvard around Boston?

    There are definitely many parts of the country I will never visit again. Happy that I relocated my familia way out West.
    This again, just boosts my cred for making that big decision a decade ago.

  10. This: “We are still breaking barriers and it is so important for us to carve out and create that space.”

    It’s as hare-brained as it can get from some city counselor. Sure, you break barriers by erecting new ones, such as this “No Whites Allowed” BS.

    And the mayor is a BIG WU.

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