Xi Tells Biden He’s Taking Taiwan – IOTW Report

Xi Tells Biden He’s Taking Taiwan

NBC News

Chinese President Xi Jinping bluntly told President Joe Biden during their recent summit in San Francisco that Beijing will reunify Taiwan with mainland China but that the timing has not yet been decided, according to three current and former U.S. officials.

Xi told Biden in a group meeting attended by a dozen American and Chinese officials that China’s preference is to take Taiwan peacefully, not by force, the officials said. More

19 Comments on Xi Tells Biden He’s Taking Taiwan

  1. Biden: Your Excellency, we understand you want to rightfully reclaim your long lost province of Taiwan, and me, Jill, Commander, Hunter, and my entire administration is on board with your plans.

    Xi: Very good and wonderful, peasant. We may ask your government for military aid. You OK with that?

    Biden: Of course, your Excellency…anything you need in your hour of need. Just like the military aid we sent to Ho Chi Min in the 1960’s. I voted for that before anyone else did.

    Xi: Peasant, we appreciate that so much. What can we do to thank you?

    Biden: A few gallons of ice cream should do it, Sire.

    Xi: Peasant, what flavors would you like? We have mushroom, onion, chicken foot flavor, charcoal, crazy bat, and bird drop, our most popular ice cream flavor. Which would you like?

    Biden: Your Excellency, send a gallon of each if not too much trouble.

    Xi: Ah….you so easy, peasant.

  2. Peacefully may be the only way China can accomplish this feat.If you watch the videos of China’s military, it’s carriers and it’s man-made islands, It might not be possible with everything made in China.

  3. I’ve mentioned this here before but Taiwan has a formidable air force consisting of our F-16S and their pilots are trained by us. China has a bunch of un proven stolen designs. I’m curious how this will work out.

  4. The Taiwanese, who I’d be rooting for, would have to turn their island into a fortress to withstand Mainland China’s armed forces.

    The strait between Taiwan is no defensive moat surrounding a castle. It’s a highway for warships and troopships. Look at what happened on D-Day. The English Channel did not offer protection to German occupied France. Neither did the concrete gun emplacements on the so-called Western Wall. The Germans did not have the resources to offer much of a defense. The whole allied invasion was a done deal in a few days.

    As Brad implies, maybe the best asset the Taiwanese have is their US trained Air Force. Will it be enough? The Taiwanese may be able to maintain air superiority, but they need to also control the sea lanes around them and be able to defend the best landing spots on the island.

    Remember that the communist mind is very patient and cares nothing about casualties. There is little doubt that they will launch an invasion when all their ducks are lined up, no matter how long that takes. The Taiwanese, God Bless ’em, won’t hand over their island without a fight. That means a bloody conflict. It’s a sad situation, and the US can’t do much about it.

    The US and the West allowed this beast called Red China to thrive and we’re going to pay big time for it.

  5. “allowed” ??

    Western corporate greed, whose companies fled from their overtaxed and environmentally restrictive home countries in search of cheap labor and raw materials, has created modern China. But China and the thousands of global companies now embedded there can’t maintain this status quo if China become too belligerent on the world stage. It would wreck everything – profits, control, military growth, world trade, banking, etc. The trick is for them to do it with our concurrence and compliance, slowly and gently. And they have to be sure about that before they “take” Taiwan. 99.99% sure. I would say they’re feeling closer.

    Thus, their installation and control of Biden. And their fear of Trump. They’re whole Communist future is at stake.

  6. @Gen. Malaise

    Good points, but I will still say “allowed” it to happen because of greed and US corporations trying to beat its competition and gain market share, as you have mentioned. But when they sent their manufacturing process to China, most of its competitors had to follow suit to remain profitable.

    It didn’t have to happen the way it did. The Federal government and globalists IMO were complicit in the scheme.

    When US firms first expanded into foreign markets, it was to supply local markets with similar, but still somewhat different US type goods. Pontiacs manufactured and sold in Canada used to have a French brand name “Bonneville”.

    GM plants in South America make autos fit for their local markets, not for export back to the US. The cars are smaller than US models and have mostly manual transmissions, at least in the 1990s. Maybe that’s all changed as well.

  7. Biden: No worries your Excellency, we support you taking Taiwan.

    Xi: Very outstanding and good, peasant. We like that.

    Biden: Excellency, we very humbly ask you to consider a trade-off.

    Xi: And what would that be, peasant?

    Biden: We ask your Excellency to let us have Haiti in return to us letting you take Taiwan.

    Xi: Haiti? Where is this place called Haiti?

    Biden: It’s near Cuba, Excellency, south of the US. It makes bananas and hemp. People are its main export.

    Xi: Oh, by all means you may have Haiti with our blessings, peasant. We have no objections. We will not stop you from taking it.

    Biden: Thank you, Excellency, from the bottom of my heart. America and China will be friends forever.

    Xi: Yes, possibly so, peasant.

  8. Fighter aircraft inventories – ROC AF compared to PRC AF.

    ROC AF including fighters and multi-role = 285 with 56 F-16s on order

    PRC AF including fighters, fighter-bombers, and multi-role = 1,707

    Numbers for both air forces taken from Wikipedia.

    ROC pilots will be required to be the world’s best in order to win, even if their equipment is superior to that of the PRC AF.

    Per Wikipedia: “From the late 1970s to the 1990s, Taiwan underwent political and social reforms that transformed it into a democracy.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan

    I’m not a gambler so I’m not placing any bets, but for the sake of freedom and independence, however that is formulated in Taiwan, I do hope Taiwan will be victorious.

  9. The Taking of Taiwan 123

    Well, I hope that doesn’t happen.

    But next year may be the year it does. 2024 will be the 75th anniversary of the CCP victory and capture of the mainland in 1949. They could try to take it then and call it something like the “Chinese Communist Party’s Great Historical Gift to the Chinese People”, or the “Great Unification War for Chinese Patriotism” or some such grandiose title.

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