Merry Christmas to All – IOTW Report

Merry Christmas to All

UK Daily Mail

Almost seven in ten Americans prefer to say ‘Merry Christmas’ instead of ‘Happy Holidays’, a new poll has revealed.

Just 26 percent of people opt for a less religious greeting during the festive period, according the results.

Democrats were most likely to opt for Happy Holidays, but even six in ten liberals said they would choose Merry Christmas instead. More

11 Comments on Merry Christmas to All

  1. This is a decades old controversy. The National Socialist Party, AKA: democRATz, just keep chipping away at traditional values! On this one they haven’t gained much ground!
    Whether you can hear it or not, the universe is laughing behind your back.
    Give up!

  2. If anybody is offended by the USA & our ways…..Why are they here?
    As for the perpetually offended that are born here…Why don’t they leave?
    Anyone offended by well wishes, no matter how phrased, might just be a snitpuss.
    I guess they just want everyone to be as miserable as they are.
    Merry Christmas to all…including the snitpusses.

  3. Merry Christmas to all! Even the snitpusses, muslims and satan followers.

    Those that do not Believe always have the option to Repent and be Forgiven – until death takes them.


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