Apartment Dwellers in Harvey, IL Boarded Up Inside Their Condemned Buildings – IOTW Report

Apartment Dwellers in Harvey, IL Boarded Up Inside Their Condemned Buildings

CBS Chicago

Shocking video circulating on social media shows some Harvey residents boarded up into their own apartments as crews tried to close up a condemned building.

They are able to open their doors again, but there are questions about how this happened.

Some of the units were unoccupied at the time, but in one unit was a mother and two kids. More

According to Wikipedia, Harvey’s claim to fame is being the location for the closed mall the “Blues Brothers” drove through in their movie.

26 Comments on Apartment Dwellers in Harvey, IL Boarded Up Inside Their Condemned Buildings

  1. Is it possible to expand the operation and board up all of Chicago? Hopefully during the Democrat National Convention to be held there this year. Encapsulate their shit show and don’t let them leave.

  2. Harvey IL is a section 8 shit hole.
    Told to be out in October, waiting for the state and federal government to fork over more Obama cash.
    If they don’t get the Obama cash they’ll sue the building owner. Scammin’ the system right before the election.
    Uncle Scam will give a multi-Million $$grant to a few democrat community scam organizations to dole out the funds to get out the vote.
    It’s a racket that bleeds taxpayers and helps few people who actually need the help.

  3. You voted for this, you live in this (Section 8)…..FOR BEHOLD MY FIELD OF…….and I think you know the rest….

  4. I’m not sure why you think that comment would affect me, anonymous. I’ve been cussed out by queers and old ladies worse than that.

    Put some effort into it!

  5. Fucked in the head, and your to blame, you give Libtards a bad name.

    Hey, you want some stretch marks on your cheeks? No not those cheeks. I got something for you to suck on.

  6. It does, Brad. Tranny fags. In the old days they would be in rubber rooms.

    I gradumacated in 1994. Not a long time ago. I don’t think it was long ago. But we had no faggots or trannies in 1994.

    There may have been actual faggots, but they didn’t blare it out in those days. They would have been stomped to piss.

  7. “Dump-ass if you can’t understand me moron, than WHY do you comment? Poor poor dumbasses,nothing moe than a 5yr ole mentality, just like da Dump.”

    Really? “Dump-ass?” “than?” “moe?” “5yr ole?” “da Dump?”

    Ignorant enough, and totally lacking in self-awareness, to use the word “moron?”
    The comedy is too rich.

    Hope this clown stays around – “thas some funny shit, there!”
    Mr. Hat, isn’t there some way to assign a clown avatar to “Anonymous?”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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