What’s In: Tradwife What’s Out: Girlboss – IOTW Report

What’s In: Tradwife What’s Out: Girlboss

The Federalist

Yet Hannah [Neeleman] and other tradwife accounts will easily maintain their prominence going into 2024. For many women, who increasingly report “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” and disillusionment with the “girlboss” lifestyle, these influencers offer an idyllic alternative to urban life. They are illuminating a deeper hunger among women, especially among Generation Z. More

12 Comments on What’s In: Tradwife What’s Out: Girlboss

  1. These woman are ruined, and can’t be trustes to marry. They’re looking for money, not love. They probably don’t know whst love is after all the years of mind-warping at the hands of the left. Sharp giys know this. and will pass on the ‘regret’ girls and a find a younger, unruined one. But I feel bad for guys that are going to fall into the trap and get taken and hurt.

  2. Pieces of shit like Seth MacFarlane says he doesn’t believe in G-d because he is a “critical thinker”. People like him and his fellow communist scum are a window into the depravity of the newer generations.

  3. My mom and most of the moms in my neighborhood were all traditional stay at home wives back in the 50’s and 60’s and most of them didn’t work outside the home until we were a little older and could take care of ourselves. And it was better that way. My mother-in-law was an exception since she was also a nurse and still managed to raise 9 children well.

  4. My Gawd, are we finally turning the corner to get away from these nasty, little self-absorbed booger-pickin, perverted, sick, twisted, fart-cupping, butt-picking, finger-licking, seat-sniffing, ballbag-slapping, nipple-twisting, perpetually pissed off, maladjusted Communist Shitpickle Misfitz from the Island of Busted-ass Toyz trying to run OUR lives???

  5. @Geoff

    That’s true of me as well. My mom stayed at home till I was in elementary school, around the 3rd or 4th grade. Even before then she worked from home doing some sort of sewing for other women, bringing in much needed money for the family.

    Wives being 100% dependent on their husbands can last only a few years. Then, they have more independence. And how much independence does a typical husband have anyway? Not so much, IMO.

    Most husbands, ie., good husbands, work hard to put food on the table, pay the bills, take care of the yard, fix things that break, help the kids with their homework, and so on. My dad did all of that. Their lives are stressful and not that great.

  6. 50 years on, all the Lefty tropes of the 60s are failing thanks to that hard, cold clash with reality.

    The girls today watched Mom and Grandma raise their designer babies alone and saw how miserable they were. They also have seen how Conservative men will not put up with their attitude problems (“Is it really me, the cat, and the vibrator for the rest of my life?”). Since there are fewer Lefty men around (free abortion on demand), reality sets in.


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