LOL – Poll Shows Haley Tied With Trump in New Hampshire – IOTW Report

LOL – Poll Shows Haley Tied With Trump in New Hampshire

The granite state refers to their skulls, no?

^ Good joke, but, it’s not necessary. Haley is NOT TIED with Trump in any legitimate poll.


Donald Trump scored an emphatic win in the Iowa caucuses but it’s going to be a lot tighter in New Hampshire’s primary next week, according to a new poll. According to the American Research Group poll conducted from Jan. 12 to Jan. 15, Trump and Haley are tied at 40% each among likely Republican primary voters in the Granite State. The poll has Ron DeSantis at just 4%, the same as Vivek Ramaswamy, who dropped out of the race late Monday. In a poll released earlier this month, before Chris Christie dropped out, the same pollsters had Trump at 37%, Haley at 33%, and Christie at 10%.

28 Comments on LOL – Poll Shows Haley Tied With Trump in New Hampshire

  1. Hey Nikki
    Don’t Fall For IT
    You’re Being PLAYED

    Fur, how come you have not showcased POTUS Joe at the Apple Packing Plant?

    Is that as fast as they move? No wonder Apples are so expensive. Check the Record.

    We need to add some Lucy and Ethel Chocolate Candy Man to that Slo-Motion Works. Check it out.

    ** Ref Biden and the Slo-Motion Apple Packer Plant
    *** Now with ADDED Carrot

  2. Anonymous THURSDAY, 18 JANUARY 2024, 1:55 AT 1:55 AM

    Pieces of shit like you always accuse the other side of what you do.

    You are a communist who constantly lies, shits on G-d, and shits your trousers.

    Eat shit and die, you worthless faggot cocksucker.

    Go home and kill yourself. Eat that shotgun.

  3. “Polls by American Research Group … largely missed the mark … American Research Group has long been unreliable.”[9]
    (Wikipedia; Nate Silver of FiveThiryEight)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The only reason Haley may approach anywhere near Trump is because NH is an open primary state and you can take a ballot for either party no matter what you’re registered.
    I’ve done it several times, taking the Dem ballot and voting for the candidate I felt was most beatable. (I voted Bernie twice!)
    With Biden not on the ballot, how many NH Dems will put their vote in for her?

  5. I couldn’t remember where I’d seen nikki haley’s face before and then it hit me.
    One of those India scam call center videos. So if she tells you to go down to CVS and purchase gift cards for her campaign- don’t fall for it.

  6. Who has Trump picked as his VP running mate? Which is it going to be Vivek the Hindu, or Haley the war monger? Dog poop or cat poop? It’s going to get ugly, Trump ain’t seen anything yet!

  7. Anonymous SubPrime Thursday, 18 January 2024, 9:46 at 9:46 am

    New Hampshire is just north Massachusetts now. NH has been Invaded by massholes to escape mass taxes.

    There’s no escape. Texas and Florida will be raising taxes to accommodate all the people flocking there to live. California shed thousands of taxpayers. They realize they can’t raise taxes again, so they got the brilliant idea to cut services! LMAO!

  8. Erik,

    Understand that the whole point of any Anonymutt poster is to solicit wrath, threats, and stir up emotions so you can be prosecuted later.

    These trolls work for the same federal Alphabet apparatus that monitors any MAGA purchase or purchase of a Bible.

    They are satanic demon flesh serving Lucifer.

    Do not grant them dominion over your emotions to entrap you.

    The best thing is to just ignore them.

  9. Well she’s got a lot of pressure on her. The GOP has decided she their last hope of legally keeping him off the ballot. The battle lines are becoming clearer by the day and the GOP is not on our side. And their donors straight up hate us. Most of us already knew that. Make no mistake when push comes to shove the GOP and the DNC will join forces to fight Trump because the GOP donors would much rather have Biden than Trump.
    I just read some famous rapper, Lil Bisquit in My Shorts, or something like that, just tweeted “Guess who poverty stricken blacks are voting for this time around”. Libtard media be freaken out.


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