Biden Punts on Super Bowl Halftime Interview – IOTW Report

Biden Punts on Super Bowl Halftime Interview

Red State

It’s a chance to speak to tens of millions of viewers, all while being tossed softball questions by the sycophantic reporters at CBS News—yet President Biden for the second year in a row is choosing to skip the traditional Super Bowl halftime interview. More

24 Comments on Biden Punts on Super Bowl Halftime Interview

  1. Biden should have been a professor in language instead of teaching the constitution like he claims. It’s a natural talent for him, I’ve learned so many new words. Definitions for those words, however, are lacking because I don’t have any leftist friends to explain when they clap like seals as he says these words.

  2. Biden will send Sec. Pete Buttigeig to the game instead.

    Half-time interview.

    CBS sportsguy Wellington R. Weatherwood III: Folks, we have the honor of interviewing Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigeig during our Half-time show. So, Sec. Buttigeig, what do you like about the game so far?

    Pete Buttigeig: Oh, oh, I just love the way those football player hunks pile on each other in a big mound…so cute…lovable. Reminds me of the time when I was in college and we…

    Mr. Weatherwood: Uh, I see Secretary Buttigeig…anything else come to mind?

    Pete Buttigeig: Oh yes…the tight pants…they really cling to the players back sides and show them off to fans like me…they must know what a turn on they are…I used to play Tight End for the University of SF, so I remember how great the tight pants felt…so inviting.

    Mr. Weatherwood: Ahem…yes I see. Was your entire college football career played as a tight end?

    Pet Buttigeig: No, later in my college football career I became a wide receiver…then after I got my backside injured several times, they made me the team massager. Oh what fun I had in that job.

    Mr. Weatherwood: OK. So, Sec. Buttigeig, who do you think will win today’s Superbowl game?

    Pete Buttigeig: Oh, I’m betting on the Kansas City Cheeks…what is the other team?

    Mr. Weatherwood: The SF 49’ers.

    Pete Buttigeig: Oh, San Francisco 49’s! I love them. You know what, I’m going to place a bet on the 49’rs as well. I’ll be a switch hitter for this game, you know, go both ways, like being on top or underneath.

    Mr. Wellington R. Weatherwood III: Well thank you Sec. Buttigeig for your impressions on the game so far. Back to you, Don.

  3. The ball in the picture is the ball used in college football, not the NFL. Anybody wonder why there are at least 3 different types of football?

    The NFL ball has no stripes. The college ball is half striped. The Canadian League has stripes all around.

    My take is that the NFL is more of a running game than a passing game, The CFL is more of a passing game than a running game, while college ball is both a throwing and a passing game in equal proportions.

    The stripes either all around or half-way around make the ball easier to see when it is in the air.

    That’s what I think. I may be wrong. Anybody have a better explanation?

  4. Good eye, Tim Buktu, and I believe your explanation is correct. Similar to why the three-point line in college basketball is closer than it is in the pros, training wheels for when they enter the bigs.


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