AI Police Robot a Flop in NYC – IOTW Report

AI Police Robot a Flop in NYC


NYPD pulls the plug on its Times Square subway police robot just months after Mayor Eric Adams touted the $12,500 machine as ‘part of the fabric’ of the future

  • NYPD has pulled its robot security cops from the Times Square subway station
  • The end of the AI security system comes just months after Mayor Eric Adams unveiled the robots and described them as ‘part of the fabric’ of the future
  • It’s unclear whether the AI program was considered a success, but New Yorkers are glad that the robots are out  

NYPD’s security robot has been pulled from its Times Square subway station post just months after Eric Adams described it as ‘part of the fabric’ of the future.

New York Police Department unveiled its fleet of ‘Big Brother’ robocops that would patrol the city’s streets and subways in April. 

In September, Mayor Eric Adams announced another robot would be joining the department – an almost 400-pound robot to roam the Times Square – 42nd Street subway station and patrol the mezzanine level of the station.

Crime has risen in virtually every category in New York City during recent years, statistics show, despite Adams repeatedly claiming his campaign to resolve the issue has been successful.

‘This is below minimum wage,’ Adams said when he introduced the robot. ‘No bathroom breaks. No meal breaks. This is a good investment.’ 

NYPD leased the ‘fully autonomous’ robot for six months for $12,500 and paid for it using forfeiture funds, officials reported last year. 

The K5 device, which is decorated with NYPD colors and complete with an unblinking camera lens, was part of this strategy. 

21 Comments on AI Police Robot a Flop in NYC

  1. Yeah, let’s put a $12,500 ghetto cruiser out there to get destroyed by copper-stealing hood ratz… good thinking!
    THIS from the same Moron who whines about too many illegal aliens, yet, just a few days ago, gives them $53 million worth of pre-paid credit cards!

    Oh, but it’s the Soros DA, not Eric!
    Horse crap!

  2. Ooooh, it can film crime that from criminals who won’t be apprehended or charged or removed from society just like all those who looted and burned stores back in 2020 or who shoplift today. A worthless, expensive Weeble on wheels.

  3. I’ve been working with automated vehicles and autonomous tech long enough to tell you that $12k, at BEST, will buy you nothing more than a glorified Roomba.

    Although it might be entertaining to see a 400 pound Roomba bumping perps off the platform as the train comes in, the way they bump into my coffee table but with more messy results.

    …and as for any alleged cost savings, whatever your calculations say about attainment cost, I can GUARANTEE the programmerS you’re going to need for this monstrosity are NOT “minimum wage”, and that you’re going to be eaten alive by spare parts, upgrades, and obsolete batteries much sooner than you think, and that’s BEFORE factoring vandalizing into the mix…

  4. Why didn’t they make them look like Daleks with a license to kill all perps. EXTERMINATE! ZAP! Reduce the perps to a pile of ashes that the Police Roombas could sweep up. Or give the NYC cops a ray gun like Marvin the Martian that would instantly vaporize the perps.

  5. geoff the aardvark
    MONDAY, 5 FEBRUARY 2024, 11:08 AT 11:08 AM
    “Why didn’t they make them look like Daleks with a license to kill all perps. EXTERMINATE!”

    …are you SURE you want Current Year diverse, foreigner-infested police departments to have that capability? Consider who WANTS it, and WHY.

    …SFPD, for example…

    …very doable tho, IF you really WANT to…


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