What We’ve Said All Along- Peer Reviewed Study Shows the Jab Caused More Death Than Lives Saved – IOTW Report

What We’ve Said All Along- Peer Reviewed Study Shows the Jab Caused More Death Than Lives Saved

This is not a revelation. We all saw early on that the death rate of Covid was unchanged pre and post jab. It did absolutely nothing to “save lives.” And if the jab had risks, it was riskier to take it than not.



Following the first trials of Pfizer and Moderna, it was claimed that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines had a 95 percent reduction of symptomatic COVID-19. The study pointed out that this efficacy assumption was false.

Pfizer’s claim was based on the fact that only eight out of 22,000 vaccine recipients contracted COVID-19 during the trial compared to 162 out of 22,000 people in the placebo group. In total, 170 confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported in both groups.

However, the researchers pointed out that a large number of infections fell under the “suspected” COVID-19 category, which was ignored. A total of 3,410 such suspected cases were identified in the trial, which is 20 times the 170 confirmed cases.

“There were 1,594 such cases in the vaccinated group and 1,816 in the placebo. When factoring in both confirmed and suspected cases, vaccine efficacy against developing symptoms drops to only 19 percent, far below the 50 percent RR (relative risk) reduction threshold required for regulatory authorization,” the study said.

“Thus, when considering both confirmed and suspected cases, vaccine efficacy appears to have been dramatically lower than the official 95 percent claim.”

…the researchers concluded that roughly 52,000 people would need to be vaccinated to prevent one COVID-19-related death.

This would mean two lives saved for roughly 100,000 injections of the Pfizer vaccine. However, there is a risk of 27 deaths per 100,000 doses of Pfizer shot, the researchers calculated. As such, for every life saved by the jab, almost 14 lives would be lost due to the mRNA vaccine, the study stated.


12 Comments on What We’ve Said All Along- Peer Reviewed Study Shows the Jab Caused More Death Than Lives Saved

  1. Caused more deaths AND cost the world trillion$$$.
    That money could’ve gone to Zelensky, or
    been given out to those promising asylum seeking dreamers in every lib/shit Amurikhkan city!

  2. NO SHIT!

    I can’t even.

    Not today.

    …but keep in mind they are still REQUIRING you poison your ZERO RISK children to be able to drop them off at the MANDITORY government indoctrination center…

  3. beachmom Monday, 5 February 2024, 9:54 at 9:54 am

    My father is unavailable for comment

    My mother as well. I will never forgive them. I saved myself – no one else was going to do it.

  4. The most serious problem here is the ability to research this evil.
    That is why the government is going to censor the internet. Soon, if you cannot research outside the main government propaganda outlets, you are called a terrorist. You will be arrested as a felon. After a few non-propaganda sites, I was able to defer the ‘Jab’ until I decided to refuse the shot-of-death. I was able to wear a mask where required but always had it below my mouth and nose until some moron told me to pull it up, that only lasted until he was gone. I told my doctor I wasn’t coming in until they dumped the mask mandate. Despite their efforts, I’m still alive

  5. There is a video I’ve seen of Bill Gates speaking to an audience and telling them about controlling population growth through vaccines.

    Sadly I can’t remember where I saw it.

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