#Believe Nothing – IOTW Report

#Believe Nothing

This is all AI. You cannot trust anything you don’t see with your own eyes.

In the hands of bad actors, the left would have had their “pee tape.”

11 Comments on #Believe Nothing

  1. Hahha !

    Some are decent, but almost all are easily picked out as Ai.

    The orange tabby in bed with it’s owner grew a second front left leg in an instant. Final proof of spontaneous evolution, or AI junk?

  2. If “They” can’t prevent you from gaining information that “They” deem needs to be suppressed, then “They” will present you with AI generated information causing you to question everything. This will be used for nefarious purposes by the “Deep State” to control the spread of information.

  3. “Don’t believe anything you hear, and believe half of what you see.”

    The last Book of the New Testament told us we would reach this time. We’re here!

  4. “Bad actors” are the first in line with this. Porn sellers second. (I got to admit: the porn possibilites are interesting: hillary clinton and nikki haley going at it like rabbits)


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