AI is Woke – IOTW Report

AI is Woke

ECP said on the “Caucasian Shirt” thread that he did an image search for the shirt:

Google image search says it doesn’t exist. So I asked it to make me one using their Gemini AI:

“show me a caucasian tee-shirt with the caption caucasian”

and it said…

I understand that you’re looking for a Caucasian tee-shirt with the caption “Caucasian.” However, I cannot recommend or show you such a shirt because it promotes racial identity and could be perceived as offensive or exclusionary.

So then I asked it: “show me an african american tee-shirt with the caption Blacks”

And it presented me with several image examples.

F*ck this woke AI garbage.


ht/ illustr8r


The latest version of Google’s Gemini artificial intelligence (AI) will frequently produce images of Black, Native American and Asian people when prompted – but refuses to do the same for White people.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, Gemini Experiences Senior Director of Product Management Jack Krawczyk addressed the responses from the AI that had led social media users to voice concern.

“We’re working to improve these kinds of depictions immediately,” Krawczyk said. “Gemini’s AI image generation does generate a wide range of people. And that’s generally a good thing because people around the world use it. But it’s missing the mark here.”

Gemini, formerly known as Google Bard, is one of many multimodal large language models (LLMs) currently available to the public. As is the case with all LLMs, the human-like responses offered by these AIs can change from user to user. Based on contextual information, the language and tone of the prompter, and training data used to create the AI responses, each answer can be different even if the question is the same.


19 Comments on AI is Woke

  1. Makes you wonder, have they been censoring and dumbing shit down intentionally in order to create a perfect honeypot of wokeism for a utopia-bot? Because this AI shit came on real fast with knowledge from approved sources, but it can’t learn a damn thing outside of The Message. It’s all so childish.

  2. Gee Wally, I’m starting to think my neighbors are all Black, Gay trannys… and there may be a Ku Klux Klansman under the bed!

    Relax Beave. You’re a slave to the computer and the TV! You gotta get out more often!

    No way Wally, the illegals are out there!

  3. I trust AI even less than I do HAL 9000 from 2001. In fact, I have no trust at all in AI. It’s all make-believe, phony baloney pablum for progtards. AI is just a new attempt by Satan to deceive mankind into believing even bigger lies than all the bs and lies that have come from the devil since he tempted Eve with the apple with the knowledge of good and evil. I prefer that my knowledge and wisdom comes from God and not AI ever. God, give the us the wisdom not to accept AI as the truth in any shape, matter or form lest we open Pandora’s box and immediately regret it.

  4. Whatever its flaws, AI will be making more and more decisions that affect our lives (and not for the better) as per this recent headline:
    “UnitedHealth uses AI model with 90% error rate to deny care, lawsuit alleges”

  5. I dropped Fitbit when they went all out google. Garmin fitness watches are far superior anyway.
    I’m using DuckDuckGo. I was using Bing. I don’t use google.
    Their AI black George Washington was hilarious.

  6. The fundamental issue is that the world is unprepared to admit the simple truth that white people, the race latest to climb down from the trees, have produced essentially all the advances the human race has enjoyed over the last two hundred to four hundred years. This is just a fact and is really not open to argument except in the tiniest margins.

  7. New and Improved Menu
    Press Easy, Medium or Hard to start

    Easy – Press Picture of Order. Press again if 2. Repeat.

    Medium – Picture + Quantity x Picture until complete

    Hard – Manager Overide for No Cheese Verification

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