Pelosi Makes Another Killing on Wall Street – IOTW Report

Pelosi Makes Another Killing on Wall Street

State of the Union

Nancy Pelosi recently realized a $1.8 million profit from a stock investment in NVIDIA over the short period of 92 days. Here

This goes along with a very good 2023 for the Pelosi family. Here

Here’s a nice video on why these two shouldn’t be making such a huge haul without an investment house sized stake in math and science geniuses and super computers doing the trading for them. Watch

10 Comments on Pelosi Makes Another Killing on Wall Street

  1. How much did she “risk”? Does this compare withe the 2,00% – 2 thousand!- ROI” John got on his RomneyCare investments 16 years ago? John turned $500,000 into $10,000,000! yet he still cries a lot?
    And some wonder why the GOP “leaders” pushed RpmneyCare down our throats!

    UNIPARTY folk have been “financial whips” for 7 years!
    John and Nancy are neither original nor unique!

  2. “There are no U-haul trailers hooked to any hearse.”

    That’s an excellent point. Especially at their progression in rotting. Pelosi’s father was head of the political crime syndicate in Baltimore. So there’s a pattern here. Which ever crime syndicate that’s stolen more money wins. They’re all going to H E double tooth picks.

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