This Lefty Has Always Been Dumb, But This Time, He Has Outdone Himself – IOTW Report

This Lefty Has Always Been Dumb, But This Time, He Has Outdone Himself

Before he revealed himself to be an ignorant lefty who feels he is some sort of intellect, I couldn’t stand him because he milked the “I had the last interview with George Harrison” for an uncomfortable and douchey amount of time. He somehow made a beloved person’s death all about him. Sorta like when Barack Obama celebrates a person’s death by posting a picture of him and that person.

Leftists are loons.

I hope everyone can immediately see the obvious lie in the post below. (Or maybe he actually believes what he wrote and he is just that friggin’ stupid?)

20 Comments on This Lefty Has Always Been Dumb, But This Time, He Has Outdone Himself

  1. WHICH lie? There are potentially several here, depending in how deep you dig, but I’m guessing “GOP took abortion rights away” tops the list.

    Or maybe “American Citizens”? Again, depends on the dog into the questionable statistic.

    …but let’s run with that for a minute.

    26,313 rape victims, each carrying DNA evidence of their rapist in their womb.

    Have there been 26,313 executions of rapists then?

    Or even arrests?

    If not, WHY not?

    …seems like THAT would be the place to address a rapist problem.

    With the rapist.

    As publicly and graphically as possible.

    If you need to kill someone, kill HIM, then you’ll have 26,313 less rapists to worry about.

    But that wouldn’t please satan as much, and rapists may well be a protected Democrat class, so not gonna happen.

    Plus you’d have to stop letting MORE undocumented rapists in. Can’t do that, nicht wahr?

    …of course, rape is a weapon of war that both the Democrats and their Muslim pets wield as such with abandon, so doing anything about it cuts into their troop strength. Brown Shirts gotta Brown Shirt after all, and there’s an election coming up. Gotta keep ALL the weapons of terror hard and ready, in case anyone gets any ideas about challenging them.

    Besides, you can’t sell the rapists’ body parts as well.

    So letting rapists rape and their victims abort is a win/win from a donkey point of view.

    Reward your shock troops, make some money, and terrorize your hated citizens all in one blow.

    …and please your master in hell too, bonus from a Democrat point of view…

  2. Republicans are forcing women to get pregnant? where? give us some names of these dastardly conservatives, don’t just thrown the accusation out there in holes the yuppies in inner city loft apartments will nod in agreement (most of them are gay anyway and won’t be sperm donors any time soon).if this passes for journalism today they are hiring at the Perdue chicken plant over in Gainesville, Georgia. I could put in a good word for you and maybe get you on a 1st shift position.

  3. John who? Never heard of him.
    Apparently a legend in his own mind.

  4. Supreme Court (not republicans) made their decision in May of 2022. A rapist has what, a one in ten chance of impregnating his victim (probably far less)?How many rapes would have to occur in Texas over 18 months to result in 26,313 pregnancies?

  5. Texas has a population of 31 million. Rape rate in Texas is 51 per 100,000, which means approximately 15,000 rapes per year, or about 22,000 rapes TOTAL since the supremes made their decision. For this jackass’ number of 26,313 pregnancies to be accurate, every victim would have to be pregnant, and some with twins, and ALL of them would have wanted an abortion, and couldn’t afford a bus trip to New Mexico. Amazing.

  6. The DNC colluded to create 15-20 million “votes” for Biden in the 2020 general election. The DNC FORCED an illegitimate Biden on the nation. That’s the DNC’s America. That’s what the DNC fights for.
    See, I can do it too. Only I’m factual.


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