“Sharp as a Tack” Biden Won’t Debate “Cognitive Decline” Trump – IOTW Report

“Sharp as a Tack” Biden Won’t Debate “Cognitive Decline” Trump

Trump, who feels he is the presumptive nominee (it’s all over but for the crying), asked Biden to debate “as soon as possible.”

Diaper Boy refused.

This is his chance to show the world how sharp he is (behind closed doors.)

10 Comments on “Sharp as a Tack” Biden Won’t Debate “Cognitive Decline” Trump

  1. It would be easy for Trump’s writers to come up with a dialogue he can follow, so that whether Biden agrees to debates or not he can have the winning commentary.
    To be fair, Trump ducked the GOP debates. We understand why – but it was still refusal to debate, which is all that Biden is doing. The stakes are different – this is clearly the final two candidates – but it has to be recognized.
    I think the simple response to any claim that Biden is sharp and Trump is not is to ask for video proof. And to keep that on the minds of voters every day.
    Of course our primary reason for voting for Trump (and for Dem voters, voting for Biden) is not cognitive ability but the policy change. So Trump needs to keep issues in front as well. But honestly, Bidenministration is the most awful since perhaps Jackson’s ‘kill all the indians’ policy, worse even than Wilson’s creation of the Fed, so that task isn’t difficult.

  2. Trump speech: PeeResident Biden is an angry, demented, old fool. Biden showered with his daughter. Biden enabled his drug addled younger son. Biden thinks that his older son was killed while serving in Iraq; when in truth, Beau Biden died from a brain tumor in a hospital bed. Joe Biden is a stupid loser who has broken the United States.


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