Movie – Children of Men – IOTW Report

Movie – Children of Men

This movie came out in 2006. I heard of it but never saw it before.

Lately I’ve been watching some movies after a long period of not watching any. (Like ten years.)

The movie is online on the Internet Archive site. All movies are free. Just search “Internet Archive Children of Men.”

This movie is well-acted, well-scripted, well-shot, and very interesting.

Nutshelled (with some spoilers.)

The movie opens with the news that the youngest person on the planet has been murdered- an eighteen-year-old. Women across the globe have mysteriously become infertile. The world is steeped in economic collapse and depression. The UK has the last remaining functioning government but is on vapors.

They have been inundated with Muslim refugees, and they are on the brink of an uprising.

Theo (Clive *Owen), who works for the government, gets kidnapped by a group of pro-immigration nitwits who offer him money to get transit papers for people to get out of the impending war zone. One of the Fishes is his ex-wife. They broke up after a flu pandemic (could the jab for the flu outbreak be the reason for global infertility?) killed their son, Dylan.

On their way to meet the Fishes, Clive’s ex-wife is killed by marauders. They make their way to the safe house. When there, the black girl reveals to Theo that she is pregnant, the only one in the world.

Theo overhears the Fishes and discovers they actually set up his ex-wife’s murder, and they plan on killing Theo because they want the baby as a political bargaining chip.

Theo runs away with the black girl to help her out of the war zone.

There are many interesting themes, including the pandemic, mass immigration, revolution, civil war, and “the replacement theory.”

It’s obvious that a black woman will repopulate the world.

At the end, the screen goes black, and we hear the sounds of children playing. So, the message is that we survive.

As entertainment, the movie is very good.

18 Comments on Movie – Children of Men

  1. “So, the message is that we survive.”

    You gotta love Hollywood, always living in a fantasy world.

    In March TCM always runs Oscar-winning movies, so I’ve been watching all the classics of late.

    One of my pet peeves is when screen adaptations of famous books are not true to the original. And there are still some old school movie stars that I enjoy.

    And Theo in the movie you referenced is played by Clive Owen, not Davis. Owen is one of the better British actors.

  2. In the book, it is Julian, a white Woman that is pregnant. Shocker! Hollywood’s great replacement.

    Not as atrocious as what John Grisham did in A Time To Kill. Which was inspired by two white girls being raped by a black guy. But in the book and movie it’s too white neo confederates raping a black girl…. Wtf! Only in Hollywood.

  3. the mohammedan scourge – they can BE self-eradicating, but they usually take the whole plane or building with them, which can suck out loud if you’re in close proximity. Nuke them from orbit – it’s the only way to be sure!

  4. The last movie we saw in a theater was Father Stu two years ago.Before that it was 1917 (the movie, not the year).

    I have a lot of DVD’s I would like to watch (again) but I am too busy wasting my time doing other things. Also, many of the movie I like are really long (Seven Samurai, anyone?).

    I do like watching WWII training films on YouTube. Some of them are pretty enjoyable.

    When we saw Father Stu, the trailers either were for either franchises/movie versions of TV shows or “isn’t the United States the most awful, oppressive, racist country in the history of the world” movies.

  5. One of the movies I wanted to watch unt8l they flipped the ethnicity of the mother – hate woke dogma.
    Looks like a good movie I still want to watch. I’m drawn to the slightly prophetic themes, including the archetype Mary and Joseph characters re-imagined in a Apocalyptic setting.

  6. coming soon fron lib-twat producers: “de-colonizing aviation”, a david a. burke aviation safety documentary re-boot from 1987 and “a guide to interracial sex” from vibrant luminaries arthur bomar & timothy spencer. lastly, “how to succeed as a minor-attracted being in illinois” by timothy buss. don’t miss them!

  7. That archive site is great, Fur!

    (I’m into old ’30s, ’40s films — mainly comedies. There are so many on YT and I cast them to Chromecast or Roku. Also, I’ve been listening/watching just about anything eschatological and Missler’s pesentations on the Bible’s hidden messages. Fascinating stuff.)


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