Washington to Force Police to Adhere to All Traffic Laws Even When Responding to Emergencies – IOTW Report

Washington to Force Police to Adhere to All Traffic Laws Even When Responding to Emergencies

The original bill included fire trucks and ambulances, but they thought better. Their hatred of cops and the law-abiding public is fully evident.

Take away your guns and force police to respond slowly. That’s your government.

Washington, you are imbeciles.

ht/ illustr8r

13 Comments on Washington to Force Police to Adhere to All Traffic Laws Even When Responding to Emergencies

  1. Beachmom: the candidate who won the Democratic Primary for DA in Harris County (Houston) last week had only one subject outside of endorsements in his advertising. He pretty much said he would not enforce Texas abortion laws.

    Even if one supported abortion, this should be troubling. The fact that he did not address any other issues pretty much says “I won’t enforce any laws I don’t like” should send up red flags. How many other places have we seen where DA’s don’t prosecute crimes? I would be willing to be that he will ready to throw the book at people who use guns in self defense

  2. Well, I hope that the Washington First Responders make a list of names, addresses and phone numbers that pushed this shit.
    When a call comes in, look at the data base, “oh, it’s it’s one of THEM! take yer time getting there, must obey the LAW, don’cha’know.”

  3. Gotta say something about this.

    Setting aside how stupid it is to have police give police traffic tickets; setting aside how stupid it is that police will have to ENFORCE traffic tickets on the police; even setting aside that these are CITY employees during
    CITY time and so this will end up being treated as a disciplinary issue as well, let’s talk about how fundamentally ridiculous it is to say that EMERGENCY response of the police is to be done at a NON-emergency pace.

    I was an FF/EMT for a number of years, not out west its true, but at that time its likely that things were similar there to here. Because the police were in their cars already and random chance made it more likely they could
    arrive at a scene in a more timely fashion than we could, police ALSO acted as First Responders to medical and fire issues (so much so that we sometimes called them “Canaries” as they would occasionally go into a smoke-filled
    house with more bravery than sense), and would sometimes take care of rescues and save lives because they were trained in things like the Heimlich Maneuver and CPR, and absolutely could turn things around when time was critical
    and life was in the balance. More modernly, police in my area carry oxygen, Narcan, tourniquets, AEDs, and occlusive chest dressings because even if they SHOOT someone, they are expected to go into “Rescue Mode” as soon as the threat has
    been stopped.

    More in keeping with their actual jobs, they were also REALLY nice to have in dicey situations. As I have said here many times before in many such threads, people who call 911 for medical and fire help are not always completely
    forthcoming with WHY they need medical and fire help, or what their involvement may have been in NEEDING medical and fire help, and even on occasion lay in ambush for medical or fire help, and it isn’t a nice thing when you have
    someone with a grievance against anyone in a uniform when they have a knife or gun and YOU only have a rescue holster. Also, some scenes can get MORE interesting as time on scene goes on and word gets out, so folks start showing
    up for revenge or to help themselves to some property, and occasionally aren’t too dainty to want to liberate some of the City property on the ambulance. Sure is nice for the police to get there first, assess the situation, and
    secure the scene as necessary because when you’re stooped over suctioning chunkage out of a stroke victims’ airway you tend to get tunnel vision and lose situational awareness for what may be going on behind you (although SOMETIMES
    what’s going on behind you becomes manifest all at once when the cop and the drug dealer tie it up, take it to the ground, and roll over your legs during their sudden hostilities, but that’s a different story for another day).
    Even on the more “ordinary” scenes where the threat does not involve a hostile actor, it’s good to have a police officer in there already telling you to “step it up” if there’s a structure fire with entrapment or a baby with a
    bowel perforation from an auto accident, and they are in control of the scene and can sometimes even have police cars block cross streets ahead of the fire equipment if the emergency is extreme and the situation a dire one.

    And suppose the situation is very much a police one, like someone is shooting folks in the city square? Are there going to be MORE or LESS casualties if they drive at 25? More to the Current Year point, what if it comes up
    in the media that Black people or gay people or other protected classes lay dying, and the police were just ambling along at walking speeds as they bleed to death and the shooter hunts more?

    With all that and much else besides, having the police delay their response jeopardizes the safety of the citizens, of the other responding agencies like EMS and fire, and also their own as it would CERTAINLY make it easier to
    target them as they come puttering along to your Active Shooter situation. This isn’t the dumbest thing I’ve heard in this short year so far, but it is certainly in the top 10. I can’t understand why anyone, police, fire,
    or EMS or even less prominent City agencies like road maintenance crews would WANT to work in a place that puts them in needless danger for cheap political points.

    I also don’t know why anyone would want to LIVE in same, but the weather is nice sometimes, so there’s that…

  4. As SNS came at from a different angle, how many situations are there where fire and rescue hold back until the police get the scene under control? As I recall in the Derek Chauvan trial, that heifer of a member of the fire department was asked why rescue was not on the scene and she said they would not come on the scene until police made it safe.

    Yes, I have seen videos of people crashing when trying to outrun police. I have also seen videos where someone crashes after police have broken off the chase. Besides that, do we really want to let teenage boys know that if they don’t want to get caught doing something all they have to do is drive like a bat out of hell?

    It is a serious question on how to protect the public while fighting crime, but how can anyone think that the public will be safer if police just don’t do anything?

    Regarding chases, I like the idea of the grapplers. But how can police use them if they can’t drive over the speed limit?

    How much you want to be that if the person who I strode Ed this bill got caught with a speed camera, he will raise holy hell?

  5. “Emergency” is such an obsolete, white privilege attitude. Take your time. Stop for lunch if it’s time for a break. What kind of bad example does it set for the people when they see first responders rushing around endangering others so they can satisfy their savior complex?

  6. SNS, my partner and I responded to a traffic accident on graveyard shift; when we got there one driver was dead(turned out to be a gang member) his passenger unhurt, the other driver and passenger were alive but with severe injuries. Fire arrived on scene, along with another gangster-filled vehicle. The gangsters took umbrage at the firemen working on the injured couple (because racism!!) and us for trying to maintain the scene and actually started pulling their dead, dead, dead fellow ganster out of the vehicle through the window also ripping off ad many firetruck tools that they could to steal them and throwing stuff at us and the firemen. It was quite a little scene. Back up units arrived and lots of people went to jail. Ugh.

  7. Sounds like Washingtonians need to start stealing the traffic cameras like they are doing in London. Of course, this is America, so just shoot them. Oops, my mistake…it’s not America anymore, it’s gun-free Washington…go ahead and steal them.

  8. Conservative Cowgirl
    FRIDAY, 8 MARCH 2024, 20:04 AT 8:04 PM

    I had a thing once where we picked up a fellow who wasn’t super talkative about his injuries, but absent any obvious illegalities mine was not to question why, so off to the hospital we went. En route I noticed a car busting intersections with us. but just figured it was a relative or something. This was pretty dangerous tho, so we called the County on the radio to arrange for the police to peel guy off, which they did.

    Good job too, because it turned out out pt had some sort of disagreement with a group of fellows concerning the quality of some under-the-counter pharmaceuticals, and he had gotten away from them long enough to get home and summon us. They sought to reaquire him at his crib when we unknowingly spooked them, but resolved as we left to renew their discussion session at the hospital, an action that was only disrupted by the police arriving to explain traffic laws to them. I’m not sure how THAT discussion progressed, but one thing led to another, a bunch of guys went to lock up, and the hospital staff got to go home without being in the middle of some gang dispute.

    Like I said, you never know how honest someone who needs help is being with 911. While I can’t say they were ALWAYS super helpful, I can’t say I was EVER unhappy to have the police with us, whether before, during, or after, ’cause it’s nice to have someone who can shoot around when someone starts acting like they need shot..


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