Serial Criminal Arrested 21 Times and Released Shoots Cop Dead in NYC Over Traffic Stop – IOTW Report

Serial Criminal Arrested 21 Times and Released Shoots Cop Dead in NYC Over Traffic Stop

All I am reading on X are deranged f***s, afflicted with TDS, saying Trump is receiving “special privileges” from the court system.

THIS incident is a special privilege of the court system. This young cop, with a young family, on the job just 3 years, is dead after some guy whose LIFE DOES NOT MATTER shoots him because the cop told him not to park at a bus stop.

Rest in peace, Jonathan Diller.

Rot in hell, Guy Rivera.

23 Comments on Serial Criminal Arrested 21 Times and Released Shoots Cop Dead in NYC Over Traffic Stop

  1. May the beautiful officer Jonathan Diller Rest In Peace, Amen. The Hospital he was taken to (Jamaica Hospital) is the hospital where Donald John Trump was born. The lax bail laws of New York State were signed into effect by the Lawless Governor Cuomo .

  2. Democrats don’t know how to connect the dots, don’t destroy America voting for them. But you too need to know, or learn to know how to connect the dots. Make the effort.

  3. I don’t watch but am willing to bet the most this gets is a 5 sec mention in the media
    21 times.
    But by all means let’s do what the Dirty Dems want and stop incarceration black men.

  4. “It’s too bad the New York doesn’t have the electric chair at Sing Sing anymore to fry this bastard immediately after receiving the death penalty.”

    I’m assuming you mean Hizzoner (for starters).
    Otherwise, what the courts did to Trump has already signaled even the idiot stragglers that evacuating NY ASAP is the only sane course of action.

  5. same thing every time an Officer gets killed. extended felony rap sheet, parole, murder an Officer

    same for firemen. two bedroom apartment, throw some bed sheets up or those chico beads and tada, you now have a 5 bedroom apartment. smoke takes over and firefighter can’t get out

    rinse and repeat til the next one

    RIP PO Diller. I am terribly sorry this happened to you and you loved ones

  6. We had something similar happen here in Knoxville about a month ago. Long rap sheet, had a gun on him, not only shot the officer but ran him over with his vehicle. Shot and wounded his partner as well. He was apprehended eventually.

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