Write Your Letter To Trump – IOTW Report

Write Your Letter To Trump

This is P. Henry’s-

Dear President Trump.

I hope you are weathering your many storms well and hope your spirits are high.

I was kept awake last night thinking about how the Democrats in Virginia used abortion as a wedge issue to win our statewide races, seizing the high ground from a mostly timid and silent Republican field. They just didn’t have an effective response.

Democrats will pull the same stunt at the national level this year.  How do we neutralize their attacks?

Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, rule 11.  “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it.” 

Don’t argue with them.  Make them own the shame of abortion.  Make the Democrats the monsters on this issue.  


Produce a simple TV ad with a series of little babies laughing in the infectious way that babies laugh.  All kinds of babies. Make a tsunami of cuteness.  Then at the end say

“These parents chose wisely.” 

Choose wisely on November 5th.

I’m Donald Trump and I approve this message.

Just my thoughts.  I’m no professional ad man, but babies laughing will draw people in before they even know it’s a political ad.

Thank you for your time.

P. Henry

Add yours in the comments.

We’ll pull one out every once in a while and make a post of it.

28 Comments on Write Your Letter To Trump

  1. I pray that this goes viral from P Henry’s letter to President Trump’s eyes and ears directly and straightly so that he knows that we stand with him. May God bless President Trump, joey not so much and for every word uttered by joey and the democraps to fall uselessly to the ground with no one listening or paying attention to any of his lies and bs.

  2. How can you get a letter to him?
    Here’s mine:
    Dear President Trump,
    This thought came to me a few months back and I believe it will make a great line in your speeches moving forward:
    “The evil bastards would rather rule over ruin than participate in prosperity.”
    I’ve searched and never found anything similar to it in any historic quotes. Feel free to use it with my permission.

  3. Nice PHenry,

    if you look at the House election voting stats on the state website, many important races were won by Democrat mail-in votes.

    We would still have a Republican House if Mail-in voting was eliminated or made as difficult as it used to be.

  4. I would rather see the truth of Planned Parenthood exposed.
    Massive money making machine, organized around the sale of dead baby parts.
    I don’t believe anybody has the right to choose what a woman does, but I don’t believe it should be govt funded wholesale death.

    “Planned Parenthood receives money from the government in two main ways: reimbursements for providing services to people covered by Medicaid and grants from government agencies, primarily HHS.0 Taxpayer funding in the form of government grants, contracts, and Medicaid reimbursements hit $670 million, or almost $1.9 million per day, making up 35% of Planned Parenthood’s overall revenue in 2021-22.”

  5. Thanks all. I’m not sure if my email got thru but I sent it to the contact page at
    I don’t know if that is monitored or not. I also sent it to Sebastian Gorka as I know he has Trump’s ear. Feel free to send it to anyone you think might have an inside track to him. I find the campaign website to be difficult to navigate and most don’t have email. They think everyone does Facebook and Twitter, etc.

  6. Dobbs: abortion isn’t a federal issue.

    Please. There are enough battles for Trump to fight without having to divert time, money, and attention to this unnecessary one, which for many people, is the Dem’s strongest.

    Not everyone is moved by pictures of other people’s babies. Everyone knows what babies look like. And it’s exactly what those having abortions don’t want. Advertising needs to address the “target market”. Bud Light…

  7. Just by the way…
    Feel free to send my letter to anyone you know who might be well connected to someone who makes sure this gets through to Trump and make it your own. As long as it gets through I don’t care who gets the credit.

    I sent it to my congressman, Bob Good, asking him to get it to him.

  8. I do not condone abortions, especially as ex post facto birth control. There are other options.
    But it’s really none of my business.

    I do resent paying for somebody else’s abortion(s).

  9. The left are still intent on codifying the ‘right’ to an abortion into law, either at state or federal level. They still mean to push for abortion right up to the moment of birth, and paid for by taxpayers. The latest Supreme Court decision is just one battle in an ongoing war.

  10. That is a really good letter and message. However, for Trump to get himself on that page it requires him to give careful consideration to his VP. I say his in regards to Tulsi Gabbard. She could be a good choice. But it requires her to be on the same page. Not only on this, but on the 2nd Amendment.as well. Trump has a big decision with his VP selection.

  11. Operation,Warp Speed was a process deviation for a perceived emergency/crisis. A very logical move for a Pandemic. Providing your vendors weren’t bought off and compromised. Should Trump have known that? Maybe.

  12. Another commercial idea for President Trump. Have a couple looking at a shopping list during fake pandemic. They walk out of the market with no bags or groceries. Their list, toilet paper, eggs, baby formula, chicken, cream cheese, childrens Tylenol, hand sanitizer, ….

  13. im going to suggest subliminal. use the tele stalker robo call system and email spam to read the daily bible verse with the word “trump” nothing else. the word “trump” is in the bible 137 times. they will never know what hit them and sure to soften the hearts. we have all the tools lets use them. may go viral with the masses trying to figure it out, all the while getting the needed dose. good job phenry

  14. Well done.

    And if you really want to piss off the left, use their own tactics when they were running around yelling into any microphone during the Barry campaign…

    “Trump’s gonna pay my mortgage! He’s gonna give me a free cell phone! And pay my bills!
    Vote for Trump!”


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