Last month, electoral politics got a shake-up when staff changes were announced at the Republican National Committee (RNC). Michael Whatley and Lara Trump took over the top spots, with a cascade of other Trump affiliates being announced for positions throughout the organization.
This news was well received among the president’s supporters, many of whom saw the former RNC as an enforcement arm of the D.C. establishment, solidifying it while undermining his return to power. Reporting on the personnel change-up was quickly followed by an announcement that there would be a shift in focus at the RNC to election integrity. These changes at the RNC and other organizations signal that two broader principles of a more focused MAGA movement are being put into action: Personnel is policy, and election fraud is a real threat. more
They better have a talk with all the POS RINOs in the House and Senate (and around the nation) who ACTIVELY worked to ENABLE the theft of 2020 and 2022, along with their non-stop DENIAL of the obviousness of all the crimes.
We need to get those voter rolls cleaned up and places like Michigan need to get their voter info site info straightened out. They SOS’s need to be following the laws.
The latest spin by the liberal scum is that they only did this to pay the President’s legal fees. 🙄Nothing needed straightening out more than the RNC.
How did we tolerate that greedy, corrupt incompetent fat fuck Ronna Romney Mcdaniel FOR 8 YEARS???