Neighborhood Shuts Down Notorious “Murder Shell” Station in St. Louis – IOTW Report

Neighborhood Shuts Down Notorious “Murder Shell” Station in St. Louis

Riverfront Times

The infamous “Murder Shell” gas station in downtown St. Louis is set to close this summer, in part thanks to a little-used state law that attorneys say could be a road map to remedying other nuisances in an expedited manner — and citizens taking action rather than waiting for city leaders.

For decades, the gas station on Tucker Boulevard near Washington Avenue in Downtown West has been a haven for violent crime and open-air drug dealing. According to court filings made in one of the lawsuits against it, the police have received more than 6,000 calls to the Shell since 1990, and the service station has been the site of at least 21 shootings. Last year, an argument that began at the Shell spilled down the street and resulted in an open-air execution that made national headlines. More

16 Comments on Neighborhood Shuts Down Notorious “Murder Shell” Station in St. Louis

  1. So 1 less Gasoline Station for people with jobs while obviously the city has not allowed its Police Force to arrest arrest arrest.

    It does not make sense to me UNLESS the owner of the station is in on the drug business etc.
    Furthermore, down the road I can easily see some corrupt city councilors use this law to shut down anyone they disagree with in order to expropriate properties for something like a safe injection site etc.

  2. So if they close this guys business down they think that will end the violence? This is not to logical. So they shut it down, now it’s dark at night. Don’t these drug dealing little pavement apes like the lack of light? Things are going to get worse. And on the other hand you knew where the trouble makers were showing up eventually? Are they buying this poor business owner out? Odds are it’s not a company run store. So if they are successful in keeping them away from this store what do think is going to happen? “Can’t go out and shoot, murder and burn tonight. The damn Shell Stations closed.” F no, their just going to move on to their second fav spot. There’s only one way to solve this problem. Eliminate the problem.
    Have Gun-Will Travel. Call me.

  3. If the city was actually serious about fighting crime, they would have rented that abandoned General Dynamics building across the street and put a Police Substation in it. And maybe a donut shop.

  4. Why was this Shell gas station with 6,000 complaints against it since 1990 not shut down by the authorities a hell of a long time ago? That’s about 250 times a year the cops have known about crime problems at this one Shell station. What was so special about this particular gas station other than it was crime central. This is beyond ridiculous; my dad owned a Shell station for nearly 20 years on Spokane’s S. hill and we were never robbed but we did have a bank robbery at the bank next door to us once which my dad’s guard dog Chico scared the hell out of a cop when he was investigating the bank robbery. It was a good thing that my dad knew the cop and called Chico off.


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