Bird Brains – IOTW Report

Bird Brains

The Federalist

The Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance, formerly known as Madison Audubon, offers “LGBTQIAP+ in Nature,” a class exploring the diverse range of sexuality and so-called gender fluidity in the animal kingdom. To fourth-graders. 

“We know that there is a beautifully wide range of ways that humans identify, and scientists have learned that there are many examples of plants and animals that are LGBTQIAP+ in nature, too!,” the alliance declares on its website. You can come out now, lavender. Your secret’s out. And ferns, the lesbians of plants, you’re not fooling anyone. More

22 Comments on Bird Brains

  1. “and scientists have learned”

    Define scientist. You’re not a scientist if you start with the desired out come and then work backwards and try and justify it.


    What’s the “P”??? Pansexual or pedophile?

    By the way. Who or what someone/thing is attracted to is not about “gender”. Moreover, people don’t have genders. Neither does any other sexually reproducing being. Only words and other THINGS have “genders”.

  3. “… scientists have learned that there are many examples of plants and animals that are LGBTQIAP+ in nature, too!”

    That simply isn’t true.
    That’s a LIE.
    As pointed out above, no species could propagate if it practiced perversion.
    Isolated occurrences, of course, as with the Chihuahua and the soccer ball, the goose and the turtle, the duck and the flip-flops, but these are examples of sexual frenzy and opportunity – certainly NOT committed “lifestyles.”

    Seems that the “Father of All Lies” is also the “Father of All Perversions.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. We had an old beagle hunting dog that would sometimes try to hump our younger beagle in their pen (both were males). I think it was a way to demonstrate dominance in the pen because he was also attracted to females when around them.
    Maybe that’s why these pervs are attracted to children – it’s a dominance thing…

  5. This Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance could use a cartoon mascot.

    Dale the Gay Quail
    Tommy the Tranny Turtledove
    Freddy the Faggot Finch
    Lesley the Lesbian Loon


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