If the Debate Happens – What Are Your Suggestions? – IOTW Report

If the Debate Happens – What Are Your Suggestions?

I have mine.

Play this —>

Then, play his stupid claim that he “won the debates.”

29 Comments on If the Debate Happens – What Are Your Suggestions?

  1. Why does Biteme get to make all the demands? CNN? Liberal Trump hating moderator? How about a blood draw prior to the start for both Trump and Biden? I’d like to know what Biden is shot full of.

  2. As I’ve said on numerous occasions….All Trump has to do is put a couple of

    Young looking Women in Girl Scout Uniforms, in the front row , Playing Peek-a-

    Boo with Their Hello Kitty Panties….

    Joe’s Head will explode…

  3. You know CNN will give Biden the questions and answers ahead of time.
    Trump needs to confront Biden with facts, even when CNN asks a different question than they ask Biden.

  4. Pedo McDepends is going to bomb badly. His fake bravado 13 second debate invitation to PDJT had 5 edited jump cuts. 5!

    He will embarrass himself so horribly they will have to remove him. Enter Manchelle stage left.

  5. I really, really hope Brandon soils himself live on TV.

    A good meme for that is a picture of Biden with a cable coming out of the back of his pants going over to the wall and up to a red light that sez “FULL”

  6. Say as little as possible, make him do all the talking. Give him all the “rope” he needs to “hang” himself. Copy the guy in Canada that is going for Prime Minister against Trudope.

  7. Presidential debates ceased being debates decades ago. The “winner” is the one who refuses to answer the questions and sticks to his/her/its talking points. Given that criteria, Biden should skate through them.

    Banning live audiences will turn the debate into staged photo ops and sound bites for Biden ads.

  8. if the debates do actually happen, biden will be absent from public view for a week or two before they take place. They’ll say “he’s preparing’ but what will actually going on, is that he will be on a ‘medication holiday’ where they cut back or stop his psych meds. Then they’ll juice him up again, right before the debates.

  9. Mr President, there is a recent video of you responding to a question that makes it you look like a toddler dropping a deuce and quarter into his diaper .. which has the whole country talking

    Were you in fact, crapping in your Depends or was that some other sympton of senility?

  10. I don’t want to see a debate. What’s to debate? I want to see kickboxing.

    Five seconds in: “President Biden is down on the stage, clutching his groin area and moaning.”

  11. No audience. Cut off mics between questions. No crosstalk.

    ACParker nails it. The “debate” will be a set-up to record sound bites pro Joe and anti Trump.


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