Biden Agrees to Debate, As Long As He Gets to Set the Ground Rules – IOTW Report

Biden Agrees to Debate, As Long As He Gets to Set the Ground Rules

Washington Examiner

No live audience participation. No interruptions or commentary during the other candidate’s answers. No conservative media hosting or, by first impressions, moderating — old-school networks only. Trump has dubbed even Fox News a “hostile network,” though he was willing to do a third debate there in October, while the Biden campaign is not.

Trump’s ability to turn even the most sterile and sedate environment into something more circuslike cannot be underestimated. But these ground rules seem to work against many of Trump’s proven debate tactics. More

18 Comments on Biden Agrees to Debate, As Long As He Gets to Set the Ground Rules

  1. Like he has rigged everything else he’s touched. They must have a new drug to give him. If I didn’t know the Lord I’d be scared. He’s got this…whatever this is. Nothing surprises God. He will save a lot of His chosen after the Church (real Christ followers only) is raptured home to be with Him. We are called His Bride. Then Israel will have to recognize the Messiah or suffer a terrible Tribulation for 7 years. Read all about it in Revalation. the books of Daniel and Ezekiel cover some of it. The Rapture is the translation of Harpazo spoken of in 1st Thessalonians 4 v13-18.

  2. it is quite simple, TRUMP does not need to debate Biden……he needs to use his allotted times to get a calm, specific message to the masses about how bad Biden is AND HOW HE WOULD BE DIFFERENT. Ignore the rigged media questions as there is 0% chance Biden won’t have all the questions in advance so just use it as air time, come off calm, presidential and read to turn things around and the election is his.

  3. A lot of pundits are saying Biden doesn’t want an audience because he honestly can’t function in front of that many people. Or rather that’s what his “handlers” want. But I think it might be simpler than that… although I’m sure that thought that plays into it.

    They don’t want him booed.

    And, at this point, I’m not sure they could weed out everyone who might. Or predict his reaction if he was. And that last is probably more of a problem than being booed.

  4. I highly doubt that — if the debate happens at all — that it will be a live event, because The Powers That Be don’t dare let the masses see Joe unfiltered. They’ll film it and then edit the fuck out of it. The edited version will be cut to show Joe responding quickly and concisely to every question. The raw footage will contain all of the mumbling, slurring, yelling, meandering, confused crap that will end up on the cutting room floor. Trump had better make sure he has his own crew filming second to counter whatever bullshit narrative Biden’s crew tries to spin.

  5. @Tina B: Neither you nor I have a say as to who will be voted into power. God places in power whom he chooses. I’ll trust his judgment and turn it over to him. Either way someone isn’t going to be happy.

  6. ^^^^^
    I think it will be you. Trump will be elected. Which will chap your ass for reasons unknown. The Biden Coup loves fags even more than Trump. You need an intervention. I don’t get it. Unless you just really dig the Biden economy and the wide open border.

  7. This “debate” is just a setting for Dems to pull sound bites to use pro-Biden and anti-Trump.

    I don’t see an upside for Trump in this. It plays against his personality.

    Someone speculated that Biden is counting on Trump being convicted and jailed pending appeal in the Bragg case so that Trump will not be able to appear for the debates.

  8. We are talking Sigma male Trump here. He has no plans to follow their hobbling rules.

    He will be himself no matter the impediments. He will ignore their leading questions and just pepper the Pedo with bomb after bomb.

    Pedo will look like Clyde Barrow in a Sam Peckenpa movie. The 50 cal verbal rounds will shred the
    walking corpse

    PDJT will either directly attack the moderaters or just ignore their set up gotcha questions and dribble Pedo McRetard like a basketball.

    This is all kabuki theater anyway, Pedo McPederast is to far gone now. Even if they pump him full of gallons of go juice he will flame out. There will be no debate.

  9. This June debate crap is a setup. They’ll be using him to help get rid of their problem and pave the way for their Convention Surprise or whatever other crooked, non rules-based coup scheme that they’re ad-libbing right now.

    PDT is standing in the doorway of their funhouse right now, but he needs to turn around—no, back slowly away—and take a hard pass on what they’re offering.

  10. It will all be pre-recorded. IF it is even bite-me hisself. None of us will be allowed to know if ANY of it is “live” from the biden side. And who knows what they will alter on the Trump side. I wish Trump would not even do it. Total trap.

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