Capitol Police Investigating ‘Zip Lock Bag’ of Cocaine in Headquarters Building – IOTW Report

Capitol Police Investigating ‘Zip Lock Bag’ of Cocaine in Headquarters Building


The United States Capitol Police (USCP) announced on Wednesday that they are investigating a “zip lock bag” left inside the agency’s headquarters building that contained a “small amount” of cocaine.

In a statement, the USCP explained that the “one-inch by one-inch zip lock bag” had been found on the floor of a hallway located on the second floor of the building in an area that is “heavily trafficked.”

The zip lock bag reportedly contained a “small amount of a white powdery substance,” which the USCP said in the statement had tested positive for cocaine.

“The small bag was found on the floor of a hallway inside USCP headquarters,” the statement said. “The hallway is on the second floor in an area that has been a staging spot for furniture and supplies. The area is heavily trafficked by various contractors and employees.” more

9 Comments on Capitol Police Investigating ‘Zip Lock Bag’ of Cocaine in Headquarters Building

  1. Something so inconsequential is routinely shrugged off, discussed in a close circle at the most, and swept under the rug if a democrat is involved. So why is this issue being covered? There is an agenda not yet exposed.

  2. I don’t believe for one minute that there weren’t cameras all over that building. I’m sure they have a pretty good idea who dropped that bag, but it doesn’t matter– nothing will be done about it.

  3. It’s not theirs. They let a friend – whose name they can’t recall – use the room. He must have dropped it accidentally. Anyway, it’s a very small bag. Hardly worth bothering about. Cut me some slack, officer.


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