What Do Pro-Palestinian Protestors Know About the Conflict? – IOTW Report

What Do Pro-Palestinian Protestors Know About the Conflict?

Hint – They are KNOW-NOTHINGS!!


ht/ brad

7 Comments on What Do Pro-Palestinian Protestors Know About the Conflict?

  1. Nothing new. When was the last time you saw a leftist/outraged genz/x/whatever who knows anything about what they support or hate?
    Anyone else remembers when CNN, of all outlets, ran a survey about supporting what Bush 43 wanted, invasion of Iraq, something like 70% responded that we should, and when asked further, 80% of those who said we should invade Iraq, failed to point out where was Iraq on the map.
    Same with those who were asked during the anti-Trump protests, to name one policy or quote that showed was “racist” as they were insisting he is, all failed.

  2. I’m going to use this term twice tonight. So Far. Are these the critical thinkers our Universities are producing? That answer would be yes. Don’t send your kids to a state run propaganda internment camp. Our educational system has been compromised. These young people are now worthless and always will be.

  3. Uh, we’re discussing a population/demographic who aren’t yet familiar with the knobs and buttons on a washing machine because mom is still doing their laundry on the weekends. They get their news from FB (remember “Kony2012” and “Cover the Night”?), X, TikTok, etc, not to mention SNL. And we now know that their brains aren’t fully developed until about the age of 25, which, btw, rental car companies have apparently known about longer than “the science” has.

    The reasons, above, are why this demographic is so deliciously exploitable by Cloward and Piven acolytes.

  4. …I forgot to say that we are talking about a couple generations of kids who know all about rights but who have never been burdened with responsibilities outside of those required for their own selfish comfort and ambitions.

  5. You give unemployed PAID protesters and agitators, too much credit. Most are not University grads or students.
    They are “Astro Turf” paid thugs and idiots paid by socialists/communist fronts to impact public opinion.
    Outside of a very few lead agitators the rest don’t have a clue of the issue they are protesting. They just show up and do as they’re told.

  6. Abigail, I wholeheartedly concur with the immature mind until age 25 concept, especially for boys. I saw it in my sons, the numerous young men I have been privileged to lead and mentor…and, retrospectively, in myself. Breaking 25 was very much a bellwether, for me. By then I’d been in the Army for almost 7 years, 11-Bravo-30 & 11A …seemingly continually deployed out to hazardous locales. I honestly never really expected to live to see 25, or past it. That birthday hit me the hardest of any, prior, or since. There was this tremendous sense of being completely unmoored. 50 was only marginally close, but after surviving past 65 it has really become just another day on the long march. Upon breaching 25, I had the revelation of: “Hey, I need to get serious about this living thing. About a future, for my children, wife, and my career!” We had, at that point, five of our eventual seven, and I had largely been coasting, taking each day as presented, and doing the best to navigate through the rubble.

    After 30 some odd years of service, I recognized that The Military likes, indeed thrives on, that younger age demo…they are extremely malleable and trainable into “The Way”. Unlike certain 40-ish Field Grades, they don’t question why/how Reservists (or AD troops, for that matter) are being mobilized for extended combat tours on foreign soil, sans a Constitutionally mandated formal Congressional Declaration of War.

    As I’ve gotten older, and hopefully at least a bit wiser, I have reached the conclusion that perhaps there should be hard age limits for actions/activities with life-long consequence: voting, holding office, consumption of certain mind-altering-substances, elective medical treatments, entering contracts, marriage, etc. 25 seems a solid minimal demarcation. Perhaps even enlisting for military service, too. This, even though I both married at 17 and, a scant seven months later, was off, at age 18, to “The Benning School For Wayward Boys”, outside Columbus Georgia.



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