New Poll: “Never Biden” Voters Now Outnumber “Never Trump” Voters – IOTW Report

New Poll: “Never Biden” Voters Now Outnumber “Never Trump” Voters

Democrats are worried about Joe Biden’s chances of winning the 2024 – they have reason to be.

A new poll found “Never Biden” voters now outnumber “never Trump” voters.

The poll found that 52% would never vote for Joe Biden while 46% say they wouldn’t vote for Trump.

The Washington Examiner reported:

In a revealing twist for the 2024 presidential election, polls show “Never Biden” voters are more common than “Never Trumpers.” more here

9 Comments on New Poll: “Never Biden” Voters Now Outnumber “Never Trump” Voters

  1. Trump lifted you out of the mire of O’bola’s eight year reign of terror…

    and there are STILL Never Trumpers?

    Mind boggling. My MIL is a Never Trumper. My wife, G-d Bless her, asked her Mother why she was a Never Trumper… the answer was… wait for it…


    I didn’t make this shit up.

  2. “Democrats are worried about Joe Biden’s chances of winning the 2024 …”

    FJBiden didn’t win in 2020 – didn’t make any difference – so why worry now?

    Most likely a pose – a pretense that the coming election will be “fair” and the Retarded Pedophile Usurper will just squeak by – act all sweaty and worried and shit while fixing the “election.” Places like NY, CA, MA, OR, WA, ME, MD, PA, GA, OH, IL, and KS (and others) are so corrupt that voting doesn’t matter or that the voters are so fucking stupid they’ll pull the handle for higher inflation and the faster destruction of America. Check out gold and silver prices this AM (sure indicators).

    The Republic is dead, but through death comes resurrection.
    The resurrected Republic just might not please anyone (we could end up with our own “Butcher of Teheran”).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. In agreement with the above statements. I trust that the voters overwhelmingly want Trump over Biden.
    I don’t trust the vote counters though.


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