Biden Shutting Down Political Betting Markets – IOTW Report

Biden Shutting Down Political Betting Markets

Slay News

Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration is moving to ban betting markets from taking bets and publishing odds on the outcome of the presidential election.

Biden and the Democrats have been desperately trying to convince the American people that President Donald Trump doesn’t already have the November 2024 election locked up.

Polling data increasingly shows Trump soaring among voters while Biden plummets.

Now, the Biden admin is attempting to eliminate betting odds from the equation by cracking down on the industry ahead of the critical November election. More

8 Comments on Biden Shutting Down Political Betting Markets

  1. Cracking down on anything they don’t like… and anything that doesn’t like them… in true Communist fashion!

    Cracking down, heh… I’ll bet that caught Hunter’s attention!

  2. Hah! Good one… cracking down…. Did I ever mention the demopoops, I mean demoflops, err, demorottingscumbags, ahh communists, ish ekk aa democrats, but I’ve been repeating myself here, are pussies? Have I suggested they are not the good kind, but the weakling entitled demanding useless kind? Pussies? Wankers? Dildos? Cum dumpsters? Sausage smoking pole sitters? At all? Ever? Well, if not, here ya go, and if I have, well, it bears repeating.

  3. It would be really weird if all the sites were showing 99.98% Trump win and suddenly the vote counting stopped but just in like 6 states and then the next day Biden won with 85 million votes!!!
    That’s probably why they want to shut them down.

  4. With so many other things he has done, I don’t know how he can get away with this. Betting on all kinds of things is as American as apple pie. It’s not like throwing a World Series or anything comparable. It’s a bet on an outcome, not support for one side over the other.

    It’s a restraint of trade on the betting parlors. Biden should expect to get a huge lawsuit up his ass for this shit.

  5. Here is a betting tip, watch the CIA. Dirty evil bastards are now throwing Pedo McShitstain overboard.

    They know the odds of a PDJT victory and are bracing for impact. Deep state goons are hedging their bets…


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