Joe is Dirty – 5 Minutes Proving It – IOTW Report

Joe is Dirty – 5 Minutes Proving It

ht/ woody

25 Comments on Joe is Dirty – 5 Minutes Proving It

  1. This surprises nobody. One would think proof of corruption would make a difference, but nothing will be done to this crook until after he meets his master in the afterlife…

  2. They got proof & a conviction sentence TBA. This is nothing more than the ramblings of a drug addict. Newsflash morons their are millions of rambling drug addicts out there, all with laptops, just look in the mirror.

    That would be “there” not “their,” you illiterate shithead. Also, look into commas and sentence structure; it will help when you are pontificating.- bfh

  3. We all knew that when Jackass Joe turned lose all of his Executive Orders starting on day one, under the guise of lofty enviromental initiatives, it was no coincidence that they were hell-bent on destroying America just to “Save the Planet” from America!!

    Traitors all.

  4. Or we can just look the other way on your bad grammar and spelling and have it out here. I would like for you to defend the party of open borders, tent cities, 1000 genders, sexualization of children, feces, and needles in the street, dumbing down of education, BLM, drug legalization, BDS, CRT, etc. It will be fun.

  5. The shithead will never do it. The party this moron aligns with is indefensible, and he knows it. They only align with the party out of hate, jealousy, the need to destroy, and the need to be contrary to what works for normal people because they are not normal. No one in their right mind can look at the left and think that it is a positive position to advocate for Americans. He will run and hide because I could reveal all of this in 5 minutes.

  6. Why is anyone proposing to debate someone who can’t bother to obtain an identifiable screen name and whose only “contribution” is to spout Democrat talking points he or she is obviously taught to say? It’s like trying to reason with someone whose only talent is chanting.

  7. Well, I am proposing it for my own enjoyment. It would be fun to point out the absolute idiocy of, say, a woman who celebrates abortion because it’s “just a clump of cells,” who wants not to be encumbered by a baby that will get in the way of her ability to go in the forest and marry a tree.

  8. English was my major in college. Still, I cringe to see supposedly intelligent people using such erroneous grammar. I work part time in a convenience store and there are a lot of dark complected people who come in that I can’t understand. My own grandchildren make me crazy with their abbreviations when they text their BFFs all day. Maybe I’m just too old to get it.

  9. There is an acceptable level of mistakes and typos. People can tell when the errors are just that, a rushed error, rather than the level of education or intelligence a person has. The anonymous person above is not, shall we say, “gifted.”

    “Newsflash morons their are millions of rambling drug addicts out there, all with laptops, just look in the mirror.”

    Not only is the grammar embarrassing, but the message is not at all coherent or in keeping with the party they claim to be a part of. The person is showing a disdain for drug addicts and using it as an epithet. This shithead can’t connect the dots that open borders lead to more drugs in the country. De-criminalization leads to more drug addicts. More drug addicts lead to tent cities. Tent cities lead to the destruction of the quality of life for all. And the message from the left is we should be more compassionate and tolerant. Yet, he says scornfully, “millions of rambling drug addicts out there,” and ends with a parting shot that we are the addicts.
    On second thought, a debate wouldn’t be fun, it would be pathetic.

  10. @BFH: For your own amusement (and the amusement of many of us) is a perfectly valid reason for a “debate” with anonymous so I stand corrected. I had learned the hard way that trying to “debate” an obvious troll is a complete waster of time so I don’t even reply to them, but I will admit to having engaged them for amusement purposes only in the past.

  11. This is about the only site I visit where many commenters will correct a spelling or grammar mistake in a subsequent post. I may make a cursory review of any comment I type, but comments are made in the moment and I accept that mistakes will be made.

    The posts by anonymous don’t fall into that category; his/her/their/its comments are frequently too incoherent to be mere typing mistakes. Maybe you should debate anonymous and we can try to figure out what anonymous is trying to say.


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