Doddering Old Fool of a President Wanders Off Again and Has to Be Corraled – IOTW Report

Doddering Old Fool of a President Wanders Off Again and Has to Be Corraled

32 Comments on Doddering Old Fool of a President Wanders Off Again and Has to Be Corraled

  1. HEY! Newsagrivators! People on the right know what is going on on both the left and the right, right … or do they? Have any of you right-wing bloggers taken the time to watch CNN or the other DNC propaganda organs to see how much time they have spent on live shots of Biden as his brain has failed? It is VERY likely that lefties do NOT know Biden’s condition.

  2. I’m just surprised they haven’t put a damn shock collar on the old bastard (emPHAsis on tard) yet!!
    Remember, it’s important to put the right em.PHA.sis on the right syl.LAB.le 😁

  3. His handlers weirdly must still believe that he’s capable of doing public functions. Every time lately they are proven wrong. Why not send Kamala out in his place? She’s worse….and they can’t. 😂

    Oooh…shiny object…and off he goes.

  4. All the while, the “press” still covers for him.

    Near future, Weekend at Biden’s, propped up with a stick shoved up his ass. Probably do a better job while dead, however.

  5. If we’re lucky enough to get Trump back in the White House the toughest job for the transition team will be getting the urine soaked diaper smell out of the Oval Office. That and finding all of Hunters White House stash. What a family.

  6. They need to hire the Easter bunny full time.
    Who’s the pink pant suit? She started as soon as he began wandering and backed up real stealthily like nobody would notice.
    Yer still rockin’ the Aviators, Pedo.

  7. Do all of these other people, especially the world “leaders”, interacting with this decrepit old man forced to sign NDAs?
    Why aren’t they spilling the beans on ALL of these instances?
    His weakness is on full display. Any one of these people can call him out and tell the truth. Instead, they just play along and act as though everything is fine, just fine.
    I know the left doesn’t know shame, but a tsunami of shame is very difficult to overcome.

  8. @Angus
    She is the conservative Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.
    It’s pretty sad that the Italians have to help Americans. First time in hundreds of years…

  9. @Geni:

    If he wants to wander off just let him do it and be done with it!

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Lets try to get him scheduled for some events at Niagara Falls, or the Grand Canyon, or the observation deck on the Empire State Building.

  10. Poopy pResident is in the late stages of Dementia. He’s like toddler – needs to be distracted. Promise him his favorite ice cream if he stands still for photo ops: .

    OR…get leftard black singers and dancers to perform behind the camera to keep his attention. See Poopy Joe’s reaction (once again) to the bogus black Juneteenth celebration at The White House; .
    Freaked out by all those…you know the thing, He froze like a statue.

  11. Hiya Uncle Al ! Good to see that we share the same fantasies. Has anyone seen or heard from Aaron Burr? I miss that Jesuit trained gentleman and hope that he and his family are alright.


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