U.S. Halts Avocado Imports After Abduction of USDA Inspectors in Mexico – IOTW Report

U.S. Halts Avocado Imports After Abduction of USDA Inspectors in Mexico

How dare they interrupt the flow of drugs.


The U.S. Department of Agriculture halted the importation of avocados and mangoes from Mexico following the abduction of two of its workers in a state known for cartel violence.

Earlier this week, the USDA confirmed information published by Mexican news outlets about the temporary halting of produce inspections until further notice. While the USDA has not revealed the reason behind the move, several national news outlets in Mexico reported that two USDA inspectors had been abducted in the state of Michoacan. more

16 Comments on U.S. Halts Avocado Imports After Abduction of USDA Inspectors in Mexico

  1. ICE has abducted two of the largest cartel drug dealers in the U.S.

    Mexico has stopped all Meth, cocaine and fentanyl from entering the U.S.

    We’ll see who cracks first, Avocado eaters or addicted Drug users.

  2. “But Señor Inspector, your job is to look at the aguacates, no? The avocados? But this bag of white powder is not an aguacate, no? So you do not need to look at it, no? Now go and do your real job or we kill you, no?”

  3. I noticed yesterday avocados abruptly jumped to $2.99 ea, no one will pay that so they will rot. Over abundance in Mexico, no one can eat it all so those will also rot.

    Bidenomics: $9.50 here for a dozen pasture raised eggs + $3 avocado. My “simple and cheap” typical 3 egg + avocado breakfast now cost over $5.25. WTF. At least I got my own chickens and will substitute pork/steak for avocado. Adapt or die.

  4. I work in a food plant with a REQUIRED in-house presence of USDA inspectors every moment we run regulated product. Those inspectors very much have life-and-death power over the entire operation, and they are very well aware of it so they can be a bit arrogant; but they ALSO can keep sketchy businesses from doing unsafe crap, and this can lead to murder, no cartels required.

    Years ago, in pre-computer days, the main method of confirming an established safe process timing was followed was with preprinted circular paper charts that were turned at a fixed rate under a pen, leaving a line on the chart to indicate the passage of time. The pens also moved up and down to indicate temperature and pressure, and these were drawn on a preprinted grid which had temperature, pressure, and time blocks on it. In normal operation, these lines would have to be at a particular temperature and pressure for a specific time to prove that at least a minimum safe established process was followed, as anything less may make people sick or dead.

    Your production output is therefore constrained by how many process vessels you have x how long your processes and cools are, and USDA is tasked with verifying these minimums are followed, usually after the fact, by looking at documentation including these charts.

    One plant owner got behind on his orders and decided to falsify records to show proper process was done so he could increase throughput, regardless of the safety of the product. One way he did this was by “steering” the charts, manually turning them under the pen during a process so it would appear longer than it was.

    USDA caught him, and was gping to shut him down and review all his records and probably force a product recall, which would ruin him financially; he was also looking a prison time for the falsification.

    So he murdered the USDA inspector to try to hide his crimes, which did not work, but DID serve to elevate killing USDA inspectors to be an automatic death penalty crime.

    Domestically, USDA can enforce OSHA laws too. Generally not a good idea to piss off a USDA inspector.

    Im not saying everything they do is good or that they are saints, but there are unscrupulous operators that would worry more about short-term production than the safety of their customers if given a chance. There needs to be some authority higher than the owner to be a brake on that, which is an actually useful role they serve.

    All of that is to say, maybe it WAS some political or cartel killing.

    …but its just as possible they screwed up someones business by actually trying to keep their product safe, and its no more than that.

    …a more modern example from this country..



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