AOC in Ridiculous Rant – IOTW Report

AOC in Ridiculous Rant

“Take this country back?”

I would like for her to explain that one.

26 Comments on AOC in Ridiculous Rant

  1. What La Retardada means by take this country back is that a few things that have going on around her all her life and should have been obvious by the time she turned 8 are just now, at age 34, breaking through her almost impenetrable barrier of stupidity and ideological blindness so that she’s aware of them. Barely. And she wants them to go away because they make her brain hurt.

  2. This seems very reminiscent of the black and white old footage I’ve seen from Cuba back in the day where killers like Che were trying to convince the general populace that he was their savior. Right before they killed everyone in the room. Che, the CIA asset. Yea, that guy.
    Last week our little Communist bitch was convinced that if Trump get elected he will come after her. Her real fear is she’s not important enough for him to pursue. I wonder where her red headed toe picking retarded fat boy friend is at while this is going on?

  3. Trump ought to address her, in person, as “Who the fcx are you?” every single time. And as she leaves, pick up the phone and say “Hey, Joe, your left your little dog here…”

  4. Everyone’s favorite delicious big booty latina.

    What’s she doin’ out of the kitchen?

    Get back in there and make us some burritos.

    Don’t fear the garbage disposal, honey. I got it; it’s a man’s job. You just worry about putting tomato ends in the sink.

  5. that doesn’t sound like a Westchester County accent. Some one didn’t take her handful of psych meds.

    What would you guess is the percentage of women on psych meds in this country?


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