Cage Match #2- Harmony Edition – IOTW Report

Cage Match #2- Harmony Edition

The winner of Cage Match #1 – The Everly Brothers Versus Simon and Garfunkel-

The Everly Brothers

Cage Match #2 – The Beach Boys Versus The Beatles

Isolated Vocals

23 Comments on Cage Match #2- Harmony Edition

  1. Interesting match up. I personally wouldn’t consider either group big on harmonies. But after doing some poking around last night, I’d be wrong.

    Got to go with the Beach Boys on this one.

  2. Sorry Mr. Brad, but I gotta go with The Beatles. The Beach Boys’ falsetto mostly turned me off, but I did like a few of their songs.

    I still don’t really get the use of falsetto in R&R. I never saw the need for it. R&R is not Italian opera. We don’t need castratos. If a group like the Beach Boys needed a female singer, they could have hired one.

  3. They’re both great as the charts reflect, but I never bought a Beatles album mainly because they were always on the radio and got burned out on them. Not so with the Beach Boys. Their harmony was their trade mark in every song, so I’m going with the Beach Boys.


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